- I would only do such things as circumstances might demand. 我只干那些事实上必要的事。
- Careful inscribes a point: 1.Accurate reflect circumstances demand. 审题要点: 1.;准确体现情境要求。
- Scavenger hunts can be as simple or involved as circumstances dictate. “拾荒式”搜索能作为例子或课程指引。
- We are pushing on with the work as fast as circumstances will permit. 我们正在情况允许的条件下尽快推动这项工作。
- as circumstances demand 按照情况, 根据需要
- According as circumstances are favorable,one should modify one's plans. 势者,因利而制权也。
- It is advisable to avoid the use of Aramine with cyclo-propane or halothane anesthesia, unless clinical circumstances demand such use. 如果不是临床需要,建议本品不要与环丙烷或氟溴氯乙烷麻醉剂合用。
- But we'll do it on condition that both sides should try to come to a balanced trade,as far as circumstances permit. 不过,我们这样做是以双方在可能的情况下保持贸易平衡为条件的。
- When the right conditions arise, they germinate and manifest as circumstances and situations in our lives. 当因缘合和时,它就会发芽长成我们现在生活的环境和情境。
- Enlarges the investment, consummates the disposition, acts as circumstances permit, to raise the experimental material. 加大投入、完善配置,因地制宜,培养实验材料。
- The present course covers the most important STDs today, but it can easily be amended as circumstances require. 本课程包括了当今最重要的性传播疾病,但是能够按照情况的需要很容易进行增减。
- But even heroin users can addict themselves and then quit as circumstances dictate. 但即使是吸食海洛因的人也可以在上瘾后,在形势逼迫下戒掉。
- First Ferry will closely monitor passenger demand and provide limited supplementary sailings as circumstances required and subject to availability of vessels. 新渡轮会密切留意乘客需求,于船只供应许可的情况下,有限度提供普通渡轮的加班服务。
- The terminal point chosen for the retreat is usually in the central section of the base ara,but sometimes it is in the frontal or rear sections,as circumstances require. 退却的终点,往往选在根据地中部;但有时也在前部,有时则在后部,依照情况来决定。
- As circumstances become more complex and challenging, the temptation is to fall back on supposed certainties.Yet that is exactly the time greater doubt becomes most essential. 他们也不外乎选择最简单的答案,因为这会给他们的工作带来最少的麻烦。
- He should be detained only so long as circumstances imperatively demand, and information should be sent at once to his commander as to such detention, as well as of any other action taken against him or against his party. 此人仅得受拘禁至情况允许为止,且军事使者与随同人员被拘禁之讯息以及处置方式与状况,应立即通知其指挥官。
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他们向警方告发他是罪犯。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的书你要借多久都随你的便。
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我给他钱,诱使他离去。
- As a matter of fact, I've never been there before. 事实上我从未到过那儿。