- asbestos filter cloth 石棉滤布
- Zhejiang Tianyuan Filter Cloth Co. 浙江天源过滤布有限公司。
- Tiantai South-West Filter Cloth Factory. 天台县西南滤布厂。
- Dutch Woven Wire Cloth-Five-Heddle Weave,Woven Wire Mesh Weaver,Filter Cloth Manufacturer,Woven Wire... 发布者:申德甲所在地:河北衡水市行业:冶金矿产职位:外销员工作年限:五年以上
- The filter cloth is detachable by stainless steel button (SUS304), making cloth exchange easier and faster. 滤布接续采用可拆分SUS304钢扣加工,滤布更换快速便利。
- Instruction: air cell is used to rectify excursion of filter cloth and assure normal running of filter cloth. 说明:气囊是用来纠正滤布的偏移,保证滤布的正常运转。
- Pneumatic auxiliary scraper and air recoil device could completely clean the solid materials remained in the drum, good for the filter cloth recycling. 配置气体辅助刮刀和气体反冲装置,可有效消除残余滤饼层,以利滤布再生,提高过滤效果。
- Polyester, polypropylene, high density vinylon filter cloth is widely used in the pharmaceutical, chemicals, dyes, smelting, cement, mining and other enterprises in production. 涤纶、丙纶、维纶等高密度过滤布则广泛应用于制药、化工、染料、冶炼、水泥、矿山等企业生产中。
- Stationary chamber belt vacuum filter have successful application in the chemical plant abroad. It has higher filtration efficiency, better abstersion effect, filter cloth can use repeatly easily. 对烧结法氧化铝硅渣分离系统进行技术改造,引用过滤效率高、洗涤效果好、滤布再生效果好的固定室带式真空过滤机,能有效地减少滤饼中氧化铝的含量,进而降低该工序中的能耗。 主要进行以下内容的研究:
- Available filter plate types are plate-and-frame type, chamber type, assembled polypropylene membrane type, integrated polypropylene membrane type, rubber membrane type, CGR filter cloth type, etc. 滤板类型有板框式、厢式、组装式聚丙烯隔膜、一体式聚丙烯隔膜、橡胶隔膜、嵌入式滤布式等。
- Organic compounds may also tend to reduce filtration by blinding the filter cloths. 由于堵塞滤布有机化合物还会减慢过滤速度。
- Cotton cloth is made in a cotton mill. 棉布是由棉纺厂生产的。
- She sopped up the spilt milk with a cloth. 她用一块布抹去溢出的牛奶。
- Design and Production of Woven Filter Cloth 机织过滤布的设计与生产
- Jane save up pieces of cloth to make a quilt. 简存了几段布留做棉被用。
- This cloth has a pattern of blue and white squares. 这种布有蓝白格子的图案。
- Air recoil and pnermatic auxiliary scraper: this technology effectively reduces the solids remained in the drum and effective resume the performance of the filter cloths. 气体反冲及气体辅助刮刀装置:这种新技术的应用,可以使残余滤饼降低最少,以便滤布再生。
- Please give the table a good rub with this cloth. 请用这块布好好擦擦桌子。
- The woollen cloth prickles (my skin). 穿毛料衣服(使我的皮肤)有被扎的感觉。
- You need to filter the drinking water. 你需要把饮用水过滤。