- "Nicy answered, "I want to ask for advice. 尼希回答说:“我想向他取取经。
- If you get into difficulties, don't hesitate to ask for advice. 如果你遇到困难,不要迟疑请教别人。
- Many students ask for advice about improving their English. 很多学生请求得到关于提高他们英语学习的建议。
- If you get in trouble, don't hesitate to ask for advice. 如果碰到麻烦, 要赶紧向人求教。
- Then two people ask for advice together sexology Great Master. 于是两人一起去求教性学大师。
- Arrogance causes nothing but trouble. It is wiser to ask for advice. 妄自尊大只会带来麻烦。聪明的作法是虚心问人。
- No matter who asks for advice, she is always ready to help. 不管谁向她请教,她总是乐于助人。
- Gloria Steinhem I have yet to hear a man ask for advice on how to combine marriage and a career. 我从来没有没听见一个男人提问关于怎样结合婚姻和事业忠告。
- You are welcome to participate in the forums to share your trial experiences with others and to ask for advice. 欢迎您加入论坛来与其他人分享您的试用经验或寻求建议。
- Grocery shopping: going grocery shopping and asking for advice about ingredients and cooking, learning words for food. 学习如何在食品店进行购物;询问配菜和烹调的知识;并学习一些食物的英语词汇。
- Ask for advice from locals who know the area. They will always tell you when an area is dangerous. 向熟悉当地海况的人请教,他们总会告诉你哪些地点是危险的。
- Answer: If you know a teacher or some other adult who works at a school, you can talk to him or her and ask for advice. 答:假如你认识学校里的一位教师或者一位成人,你就可以要求他或者她给你指点。
- Can I ask for some advice about my research? 能对我的研究工作提些意见吗?
- A samura i who was known for his nobility and honesty, went to visit a Zen monk to ask for advice. 一个武士因他的高贵和诚实而被众人皆知,他去拜访一位禅僧欲寻得忠告。
- She wrote in for advice on how to grow roses. 她写信来咨询玫瑰花的栽培方法。
- Look at the job you'd like to have a year from now. Who selects candidates for this position? Who does that person work with and ask for advice? 从现在开始看看你想要做一年的工作。谁为这个职位挑选候选人呢?那个人和谁一起共事?他征求谁的意见呢?来源:考试大
- I should like to ask for your advice about the plan? 我想征求一下你对这个计划的建议。
- She leans on her husband for advice. 她依靠她的丈夫获得忠告。
- Home media said : "Linshuji" or "Lin mayor", the real estate developers began to ask for advice Guangzhou, "Mr.Lin" foreseeability, and the degree of implementation. 有家媒体评价说:“林书记”还是“林市长”时,广州的房地产开发商就开始领教“林先生”的预见性、执行力和坚持度。
- Could I ask for your reaction to this policy? 我能问一下您对这个政策的反应吗?