- New assembly plant for Liebherr machine tools in India. 利勃海尔在印度新建了一个生产组装机床的工厂。
- At our assembly plant,we put together the parts for our motors. 在我们的装配厂,我们把汽车零件组装起来。
- Is this a draft contract for the car assembly plant? 这是一份汽车装配厂的合同草签样吗?
- Well our staff at the assembly plant have to understand that we're making the highest quality sports equipment. 哦,装配厂的职工必须明白我们制造的是最优质量的体育设备用品。
- Due to our increasing business in China, Grohe established an assembly plant in Shanghai/Pudong. 在全球拥有6000多名员工,19家营业附属公司及工厂和遍布全球的经销商网络。
- The European planemaker is set to announce the site of an assembly plant in China, its first ever outside Europe. 这个欧洲飞机制造商准备宣告其在中国的装配厂的选址,这是迄今为止它在欧洲以外设立的第一个厂。
- Anting Base: Anting Shanghai, with one Seat Assembly Plant and one Foam Plant locate. 安亭 基地:位于上海安亭工业区,设有汽车座椅总装厂和发泡工厂。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- EADS Airbus will be opening an assembly plant for its A320 series airliners, to be operational in 2009. 2009年,欧洲宇航防务集团旗下的空中客车公司为A320系列飞机建造的装配厂将投入使用。
- The 42-year-old Lordstown assembly plant had been considered a candidate for closure due to high UAW labor costs. 由于高昂的UAW劳动力成本,有42年历史的洛兹敦装配厂曾一度被纳入有可能关闭的行列。
- Manufacturers have tried to install humanity in the workplace,like Volvo car assembly plant at Kalmar where each team had its own workshops. 厂家曾极力地把人性注入工作场所,一个例子就是位于卡尔马的沃尔沃汽车装配厂每一个组有他们的车间。
- The company laid off several of its assembly plants during the depression. 这家公司在肃条期间关闭了几个装配厂。
- Should GM retain Opel, the likely manufacturing sites for the car include the Lordstown, OH plant and the San Luis Potosi, Mexico assembly plant. 如果通用汽车保留欧宝,可能制造场所的汽车包括洛兹敦,俄亥俄州工厂和圣路易斯波托西,墨西哥组装厂.
- He was busy assembling the bike. 他忙著装配脚踏车。
- To ensure a good electrical properties, the parts were sent to the assembly plant, will first try for cleansing process. 为确保产品有良好电器性能,各零件被送往组装工场前,都会先作清洗处理程序.
- Those numbers help explain why Renault is building an assembly plant in Tangier that will be one of its biggest anywhere. 这些数字有助于说明,为什么正在丹吉尔建设的雷诺汽车组装厂将成为其全球最大的组装厂之一。
- Manufacturers have tried to install humanity in the workplace, like Volvo car assembly plant at Kalmar where each team had its own workshops. 厂家曾极力地把人性注入工作场所,一个例子就是位于卡尔马的沃尔沃汽车装配厂。
- Punch Powertrain manufactures and supplies CVT and hybrid powertrains and is the first foreign CVT producer to build an assembly plant in China. 作为无级变速器和混合动力车传动系统的供应商,邦奇动力是首家在中国投资建立总装厂的国外无级变速器公司。
- The new base wvl include a command center, a rocket launch site, a rocket assembly plant and a 7-billion-yuan ($985m) space theme park. 新的发射中心包括指挥中心、火箭发射台、火箭组装中心和投资70亿人民币的主题公园。
- Simple directions for assembling the model are printed on the box. 盒上印有装配模型的简要说明。