- It is never appropriate to write code to handle failure of an assert statement. 谁帮忙翻译一...编写代码来处理断言语句的失败,这种做法永远是不适合的。
- Verify that it returns true, and use and Assert statement to fail the test if the redirection fails. 确认该调用返回true值;如果重定向失败,则使用Assert语句使测试失败。
- In another words, a unit test without an Assert statement will produce a Pass result every time it is run. 换句话说,没有Assert语句的单元测试在每次运行时都会产生一个“通过”结果。
- A unit test that contains no Assert statement automatically passes as long as it does not time out and does not throw an unexpected exception. 不包含Assert语句的单元测试只要不超时,并且不引发意外的异常,就会自动通过。
- When the test ran, no Assert statement produced a Failed result, but at least one Assert.Inconclusive statement was satisfied. 测试运行时;没有任何Assert语句生成的结果为“未通过”;但至少满足了一个Assert.;Inconclusive语句。
- Therefore, the DataTest() method contains an Assert statement that alerts you to the requirement to supply the type constraint that has been placed on T. 因此,DataTest()方法包含一个Assert语句,该语句提示您需要提供对T施加的类型约束。
- Code exercised in a unit test will be reported as covered in the code-coverage statistics regardless of whether the test produced a decisive result or even contained an Assert statement. 单元测试中执行的代码将作为代码覆盖率统计信息的一部分进行报告,而无论测试是产生了一个确定的结果还是甚至包含有Assert语句。
- The various Assert statements give you flexibility; for example, you can force a test to fail by using the statement Assert.Fail(). 不同的Assert语句为您提供了灵活性;例如;可以使用Assert.;Fail()语句强迫测试失败。
- Regardless of what results a test returns, it passes or fails depending on its Assert statements. 无论测试返回的结果如何,测试的通过或失败都取决于它所包含的Assert语句。
- Because ASSERT statements are commented out in a release build of an MFC program, the code does not run in a release build. 因为ASSERT语句在MFC程序的发布版本中被注释掉了,该代码在发布版本中不会运行。
- The Unit Testing Framework provides numerous additional Assert classes and methods that give you flexibility in writing useful Assert statements. 单元测试框架提供了众多的附加Assert类和方法,为您编写有用的Assert语句带来了极大的灵活性。
- Unit tests can verify specific application behavior by their use of various kinds of Assert statements, exceptions, and attributes. 单元测试可以通过使用各种Assert语句、异常和属性来验证特定的应用程序行为。
- An assertion statement specifies a condition that you expect to hold true at some particular point in your program. 断言语句指定在程序的某些特定点应为真的条件。
- A unit test method exercises the code of a method in your development code, but it reports on aspects of the code's behavior only if you include Assert statements. 单元测试方法执行开发代码中的方法代码,但只有包含Assert语句时才能报告代码行为方面的内容。
- Testing Web services is much like testing other code by using unit tests in that you can use Assert statements, and the tests produce the same range of results. 测试Web服务与使用单元测试来测试其他代码非常相似,相似之处在于可以使用Assert语句,并且测试可以产生相同范围的结果。
- When the test ran, no Assert statements produced a result of Inconclusive or Failed, and the test did not throw an unexpected exception, and the test did not time out. 测试运行时,没有任何Assert语句生成的结果为“没有结论”或“未通过”,并且测试未引发意外的异常,同时测试未超时。
- In confirmation hereof we attach a bank statement. 为作这方面的确认我们附上银行结单。
- Visual inspection of the loop does not show that this will necessarily be the case, so an assertion statement is used after the loop to test for that condition. 对循环的直观检查并不说明这一定为真,因此在循环后使用一条断言语句来测试该条件。
- He made a statement before the House of Commons. 他在下议院当众发表了一个声明。
- We encouraged him to assert his view of the matter. 我们鼓励他坚持自己对此事的看法。