- assessed program cost 摊派的计划费用
- We estimate that this elicit program cost the Iraqis several billion dollars. 我们评估这个违法的计划将耗资伊拉克数十亿美元。
- This in turn pushes up the program cost, estimated at about $3,800, including air fare. 这样就增加了留学的费用,加上飞机票,估计费用大约为3,800美元。
- One inside source questions the agency's math: “The shuttle program costs about $4 billion, so if you only fly four shuttles, then the cost per shuttle is $1 billion each. 一位内部人士质问航天局的算法:“航天飞机项目大约花费40亿美元,因此如果你只发射四架航天飞机,那么每架航天飞机的费用是10亿美元。
- And she points out that many gap-year programs cost far less than a year of college. 她还指出一些空挡年项目的花费远比一年的大学生活花费要少。
- The result showed that the assessing program is simple practical and worth to popularize its applications. 结果表明,评判方案简便可行,在工程评标中具有应用价值。
- This assessment program should reach all students, pinpoint areas for further program development, and consolidate learning goals already achieved. 这个评估方案应推广到每个学生,找出需要改进的地方,巩固现有的学习成果。
- JRPT is a library of JAVA objects and generic JSP files which enables the report creation offering many features at no programming cost. JRPT是一个Java对象和通用JSP文件库,支持离线报表创建,提供了许多不同编程成本的功能。
- The programming overhead in MTMDI should be a warning that you should have a good reason for using a user interface thread to justify the programming cost. MTMDI中的编程系统开销是一个预兆,需有充足的理由证明编程成本的合理性,才应使用用户界面线程。
- Provide Import Verification Program (including Preshipment Inspection), SGS ValuNet services, Conformity Assessment program, etc. to governments and international institutions. 为政府和国际机构提供进口核实服务(包括装船前检验服务),SGS贸易价格网和产品符合性评定方案等。
- JAVA form and report builder - JRPT - JRPT is a library of JAVA objects and generic JSP files which enables the report creation offering many features at no programming cost. JRPT是一个Java对象和通用JSP文件库,支持离线报表创建,提供了许多不同编程成本的功能。
- She look at the house and assess its market value. 她看了看房子并估算了其市场价值。
- To smoothly carry out the assessment program, four main aspects are worth to be noticed: the guidance, dynamic characteristic, sensitiveness of assessment, and uniqueness and vagueness of assessment index. 要顺利开展绩效考核工作,必须注意考核中的四大问题,即绩效考核的导向性、动态性、敏感性及考核指标的独特性和难确定性。
- Typically, present in complex organizations. The job of this team is to make tactical decisions on program costs; project priorities and milestones; expected ROI; and risk management. 通常在一个复杂的组织机构中存在。该小组的任务是对项目成本、项目核心和阶段、投资回报预期以及风险管理给出战略决策。
- The main feature on the program is her song. 那个节目的主要号召物是她的歌。
- The value of this property was assessed at one million dollars. 这财产的价值估定为一百万元。
- This news program only covers external events. 这一新闻节目只报道国外消息。
- It's difficult to assess the impact of the President's speech. 总统讲话的巨大影响很难估计。
- Do you see the travel program on italy last night? 昨晚你看有关意大利的旅游节目了吗?
- Starting applications from Program Manager is easy. 在程序管理器下运行应用程序很容易。