- This risk diversification allows an FI to predict more accurately its expected return on its asset portfolio. 这种风险转化的多样性能够使金融中间人对他们所投资的财产有价证券的预期收益作出更准确地判断。
- Furthermore, how can FIs be confident enough to guarantee that they can provide liquidity services to investors and savers when they themselves invest in risky asset portfolios? 此外,在投资于风险性很大的财产股份时金融中间人是如何有足够的信心保证他们能够为投资者和储户提供流动资产的服务的呢?
- Deposits include demand deposits and time deposits, realisable assets portfolio and also covers replacement of existing housing. 存款包括活期存款和定期存款,可变现资产又涵盖了有价证券和现有住房置换。
- Though this asset portfolio that we have designed has still some imperfections, it has created a great deal chance of making profits. 虽然我们设计的这种资产组合仍有不尽完美之处,但却创造了诸多盈利的可能与机会。
- From the angle of mutual joining network in the capital market, we discuss the problem of financial asset portfolio optimization and balance scale. 从资本市场互联的网络角度;讨论金融资产组合优化与均衡规模问题.
- Further, as the umber of securities in an FI's asset portfolio increases, portfolio risk falls, albeit at a diminishing rate. 而且,随着债券种类在金融中间人的财产证券中的增加,有价证券的风险降低了,虽然降低幅度很小。
- This reason is that it ignores the different risk preference of individual bank and banks may choose asset portfolio at high risk to retard the efforts of the regulators. 理由在于:传统资本管制方法忽略个别银行风险态度的差异性,银行可藉由投资策略的调整,提高其风险性资产之持有比率,以资突破资本管制对银行获利空间的藩限。
- The theory of modern assets portfolio is to study how to allocate the investable funds to more assets with incomes and risk acceptable to different investors when everything is uncertain. 现代资产组合理论是研究在各种不确定的情况下,如何将可供投资的资金分配于更多的资产上,以寻求不同类型投资者所能接受的收益和风险水平相匹配的最适当、最满意的资产组合的系统方法。
- Obviously, the bond fund and so on regular earnings class product should be the asset portfolio disposition conventional investment variety, but certainly not temporary “expedient base”. 可见,债券基金等固定收益类产品应是资产组合配置的常规投资品种,而绝非一时的“权宜之基”。
- Dynamic analysis for risk assets portfolio 有风险资产投资组合动态分析
- View on Personal Investment and Asset Portfolio 浅谈个人投资理财
- Markowitz' theory of asset portfolio 马科维茨资产组合理论
- My stockbroker manages my portfolio for me. 我的证券经纪人替我管理投资组合。
- He summed up his assets and liabilities. 他计算出他的资产和负债总和。
- He included some bad debts among his assets. 他把一些呆账也算在他的财产中。
- The company's assets were being sold. 公司的财产正在出让。
- The artist showed us a portfolio of her drawings. 艺术家给我们展示了她的绘画代表作品。
- Her only asset is a gentle nature. 她唯一的长处就是性格温柔。
- The bank has assets of over five million pounds. 这家银行有五百万英镑以上的资产。