- The psychologist always assign work to each researcher. 这位心理学家总是将工作分派给每个研究员。
- Not alter, add to or omit anything from the assigned work. 不改变、增加或遗漏分配工作中的任何东西。
- I have fulfilled my assigned work ahead of schedule, so has he. 我已经提前完成了交给我的工作,他也提前完成了交给他的工作。
- They are assigned work according to their fitness and security ratings,personal background,balance of sentence,and so on. 当局会按照犯人的健康状况、保安类别、个人背景、剩余刑期等因素,分派他们到各个岗位从事有益的工作。
- At the same time, the Central People's Government assigned work teams to Lhasa, Xigaze and Shannan to conduct on-the-spot investigations of major cultural relics. 同时,中央人民政府专门组织工作组分赴拉萨、日喀则、山南等地,对重点文物进行实地调查。
- To assign work without checking up and to take notice only when serious mistakes are made -- that is not the way to take care of cadres. 有委托而无检查,及至犯了严重的错误,方才加以注意,不是爱护干部的办法。
- They are used to determine resource availability (availability: Indicates when and how much of a resource's time can be scheduled for assigned work. 使用日历可确定资源的可用性(可用性:表示资源何时以及有多少时间可安排给所分配的工作。
- The purpose of tracking work status is to understand the health of the project, who is assigned work, and what the status of that work is. 跟踪工作状态的目的是了解项目的进展情况、为谁指派了工作以及该工作所处的状态。
- They are assigned work according to their fitness and security ratings, personal background,balance of sentence, and so on. 当局会按照犯人的健康状况、保安类别、个人背景、剩余刑期等因素,分派他们到各个岗位从事有益的工作。
- The head of the discussion group passed the research plan round and then started to assign work. 课题组长让大家传观了研究方案,开始布置工作。
- The psychologist always assigns work to each researcher. 这个心理学家总是将工作分派给每个研究人员。
- At the same time,the Central People's Government assigned work teams to Lhasa,Xigaze and Shannan to conduct on-the-spot investigations of major cultural relics. 同时,中央人民政府专门组织工作组分赴拉萨、日喀则、山南等地,对重点文物进行实地调查。
- The resources in Microsoft Project are updated with user accounts from the team project to make it easier to assign work. Microsoft Project中的资源随团队项目中的用户帐户更新,以便于指派工作。
- Human Tasks are standalone components in WebSphere Process Server that you can use to assign work to employees or to invoke any other service. 人工任务是WebSphere Process Server中的独立组件,可以用来向员工分配任务或调用任何其他服务。
- You can use maximum units to specify multiple availability (availability: Indicates when and how much of a resource's time can be scheduled for assigned work. 您可以使用最大单位来指定一项资源指派具有多倍可用性(可用性:表示资源何时以及有多少时间可安排给所分配的工作。
- You can use the Tasks list on the Document Workspace site to assign work items to yourself or other members of the workspace. 可以使用文档工作区网站上的“任务”列表来为自己或其他工作区成员分配工作项目。
- You can use the Tasks list on your Document Workspace site to assign work items to yourself or other members of the workspace. 在文档工作区网站上,可以使用“任务”列表向自己或工作区中的其他成员分配工作项目。
- Attend work safety meeting and preside the safety meeting within department. Assign work on safety, environment protection and fire fighting. 按时参加公司安全生产会议;组织召开本部门的安全生产例会;布置有关安全;环保;消防工作.
- The checklist is stored in Microsoft Excel, and you can assign work items and synchronize the checklist with Team Foundation to track progress on the steps. 该检查表存储在Microsoft Excel中,您可以指派工作项并使检查表与Team Foundation同步以跟踪步骤的进度。
- Your work falls short of my expectations. 你的工作未达到我的期望。