- You cannot use assignment operators in the Command window. 不能在“命令”窗口中使用赋值运算符。
- The binary multiplication assignment operator. 二元乘法赋值运算符。
- And the addition and subtraction assignment operators to add and remove handlers from the list. 以及加法和减法赋值运算符在列表中添加和移除处理程序。
- All binary operators except for the assignment operators are evaluated in left-to-right order. 一个规律必须遵循,那就是赋值优先。
- One way to eliminate this duplication is to use Sutter's technique for writing safe assignment operators. 消除这种重复的一种方法是看Sutter的用来写安全的付值操作符的技术。
- Hence copy or move constructors and copy or move assignment operators are required. 因此,需要复制或移动构造函数和复制或移动赋值操作符。
- Environment variable name required to left of assignment operator. 赋值运算符左边要求有环境变量名。
- A new expression node representing the assignment operation. 一个表示赋值操作的新表达式节点。
- The copy constructor and destructor but no assignment operator. 定义了复制构造函数和析构函数但没有定义赋值操作符。
- Ordinarily, assignment operators and compound-assignment operators ought to return a reference to the left-hand operand. 一般而言,赋值操作符与复合赋值操作符应返回操作符的引用。
- All assignment operators return the value that is assigned to the left operand. 所有的赋值运算符都返回赋给左操作数的值。
- You can set the value of a variable or parameter using the assignment operator. 您可以使用赋值运算符设置变量或参数的值。
- Operator is only the equality comparison operator, not the assignment operator. 运算符只是相等比较运算符,而不是赋值运算符。
- This class looks like our other handles, as does the assignment operator. 这个类看来与其他句柄类似,赋值操作符也类似。
- Operators combined with value elements form expressions, except for the assignment operator, which forms a statement. 运算符与值元素组合在一起就形成了表达式,但赋值运算符除外,它将组成语句。
- Assignment operators can be overloaded. Unlike the compound-assignment operators, every assignment operator, regardless of parameter type, must be defined as a member function. 赋值操作符可以重载。无论形参为何种类型,赋值操作符必须定义为成员函数,这一点与复合赋值操作符有所不同。
- Operator in the binary list is the comparison operator, not the assignment operator. 运算符是比较运算符,而不是赋值运算符。
- In general, the left-hand side of an assignment operator always requires an lvalue. 一般地,赋值运算符的左边总是需要一个左值。
- As with the copy constructor, the compiler synthesizes an assignment operator if the class does not define its own. 与复制构造函数一样,如果类没有定义自己的赋值操作符,则编译器会合成一个。
- Classes that can use the synthesized copy constructor usually can use the synthesized assignment operator as well. 可以使用合成复制构造函数的类通常也可以使用合成赋值操作符。