- He has a good reputation as a physician. 他是位享有名的内科医师。
- A physician who specializes in physical medicine. 理疗学家专攻物理治疗学的医生
- A physician's sacred duty is to heal the sick. 医生的神圣职责就是治愈病人。
- A physician who specializes in obstetrics. 产科医生一个专攻产科医学的医生
- They will assist a graduation ceremony. 他们将参加毕业典礼。
- He is under the care of a physician. 他正接受一位内科医生的治疗。
- We will assist a graduation ceremony. 我们将参加毕业典礼。
- Every man at forty is a fool or a physician. 人到四十,如果不是傻子,就该知道保养身体。
- Describe a time when you had to assist a coworker. 你的同事是否曾经在工作上需要你的帮助?
- Qescribe a time when you had to assist a coworker. 问:请举出你帮助一位同事的例子。
- He prefers to be a surgeon rather than a physician. 他喜欢当外科医生而不愿作内科医生。
- He is a physician in ordinary to the king. 他是国王的随身医师。
- A surgeon is a physician specializing in surgery. 外科医生是专门从事外科的医生。
- They that be whole need not a physician. 健康的人不需要医生。
- A physician specializing in anesthesiology. 麻醉专家专修麻醉学的医生
- A physician specializing in internal medicine. 内科医师专于内科的医生
- A physician who practices osteopathy. 整骨医生会整骨术的医生
- The AI will now chop Wonders and will chop to assist a war effort. AI会砍树抢奇迹和出兵打战。
- A physician who specializes in ophthalmology. 眼医专门治疗眼睛疾病的医师
- A pupil who assists a teacher in routine duties. 班长帮助老师处理日常事务的学生