- associated integral function 连带整函数
- Kalman's technique cleverly minimizes an integral function over time that includes a quadratic measure of the states plus a quadratic measure of the control actions. 卡曼的技术巧妙地随时间缩小积分函数,函数中包含状态的二次测量值加上控制动作的二次测量值。
- If the integrand is related to the top integral function in definite integral computation, the definite integral possesses the different expression from. 在定积分计算中,当被积函数与上取整函数有关时,会有不同的表达形式。
- The paper discussed the method which present the integral function by three-point interpolation , construction of trapezium integral formula and Simpson integral formula. The adaptive step size three-point interpolation integral algorithm is proposed. 本文利用三点插值函数近似表达被积函数,构造梯形求积公式和simpson求积公式,并在此基础上提出了一种快速数值积分的新算法,即自适应步长三点插值型数值积分算法。
- Subject of labor is practice object subsystem, laborer is subsystem of practice main body, labor tool is practice neutretto system, productivity is the integral function that carries out a system. 劳动对象是实践客体子系统,劳动者是实践主体子系统,劳动工具是实践中介子系统,生产力是实践系统的整体功能。
- An Ingenious Taction Associated Integral 组合积分法在一类积分中的应用
- The paper discusses several analytic characters and the extensive application of the integral function and fraction parts of functions,which have the differentiation with contact. 取整函数与小数部分函数既相互联系又有区别,各有一些独特的性质,在数学及生活中有着较广泛的应用。
- In DPPX,an integrated function of PL/DS that is used to obtain the address of data. 在分布式处理程序的执行程序(DPPX)中,用以获得数据地址的PL/DS的集成功能。
- In DPPX, an integrated function of PL / DS that is used to obtain the address of data. 在分布式处理程序的执行程序(DPPX)中,用以获得数据地址的pl/DS的集成功能。
- We give a new proof that every absolutely Henstock integrable function is McShane integrable. 我们给出每个绝对Henstock可积函数都是Mcshane可积的一个新的证明
- In DPPX, an integrated function of PL/DS that is used to obtain the address of data. 在分布式处理程序的执行程序(dppx)中,用以获得数据地址的pl/ds的集成功能。
- In the present work,exporential integral functions with several application examples in calculations of various chemical reactors are discussed. 介绍指数积分函数及其在不同反应器中进行化学反应中计算时的应用数例。
- Extensively Afforestation of Mixed Forest and Enhancement on Integrated Function of Water Conservation Forest in TaiHang Mt. 大力开展混交造林提高太行山水源涵养林整体功能。
- The system contains the integrity function of users increase, delete and the cipher modification, and the report form to print. 此外,系统有完整的用户添加、删除和密码修改功能,并具备报表打印功能。
- In references[1,2,3], the important integral inequality due to Bihari was gineralized to the case of having finite terms of nonlinear integral functionals. 在文[1],[2],[3]中,作者将Bihari不等式推广到有限个非线性积分泛函项的情形。
- The particular design has been integrated function and the element of elegancy, then show you an exquisite and excellent product! 独特的设计组合了功能性与幽雅的气质,完美衬托出精致优秀的产品!
- By using the concept of iterated order, we investigate the argument distribution of the multiple value and the derived functions of integral functions with iterated order. 摘要利用整函数的迭代级的概念,研究了迭代级整函数的结合于导数与重值的辐角分布。
- I associated with him in business. 我过去和他合伙经商。
- She associated happiness with having money. 她把幸福和有钱联想到一起。
- Adopting trimmed technology ensure enclosure integrated function,reliably airproof,waterproof and dustproof performance. 选用滚边等新技术,确保外壳整体性能好,密封可靠,防水防尘。