- Things have assumed a new aspect. 事态已呈现一个新的局面。
- The country's industry is assuming a new aspect. 该国的工业正在呈现新的面貌。
- take on a new look; assume a new aspect 呈现新的面貌
- Polymorph Self. You assume a new form. 变形自己:你得到一个新的外形。
- This was a new aspect of the thing. 这可是这桩事情的一种新的情况。
- All things take on a new aspect. 万象更新。
- The problem has assumed a new form. 这个问题又以新的形式出现。
- assume a new aspect 面目一新, 呈现新局面
- In January of 2001, a new aspect known as Natalia made herself known to Mila. 在2001年1月,一个名为Natalia的新片段自我介绍给Mila。
- I assume you've decided against buying a new car. 我想你已经决定不买新汽车了。
- Football season can be a lonely time for some wives, as they watch their husbands assume a new top priority in life. 在橄榄球联赛季节,丈夫们将观看比赛作为生活的头等大事,妻子们看到这些,倍感孤独。
- Sense yourself as a butterfly breaking out of your old mould and taking on a new aspect and form. 你就好比这只蝴蝶,从旧的模式之中挣脱开来,然后采用一种全新的模式。
- Emphasizing on love and sympathy, Schere's theory has established a new aspect for moral education at school. 舍勒关注生活共同体中的爱与同情,其研究成果为重新理解学校德育中的一些基本问题开辟了新的视域。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。
- To cause to assume a leaning or prone position. 靠使之处于斜倚或被支撑的位置
- Recent model-based estimates assume a single transition to a new ploidal level within a genus and provide a lower bound of the polyploidy speciation rate: 2 to 4% in flowering plants and 7% in ferns. 最近基于模型的估计假定在一个种属内是一个专一的过渡到新的倍性水平,并提供一个多倍体物种形成的下限比例:2%25至4%25的开花植物和7%25的蕨类植物。
- He tried hard to assume a natural expression. 他用尽全力在脸上装出一副坦然的表情来。
- She is pounding out a new rune on the piano. 他正在钢琴上弹奏一支新曲。
- To assume a spiral or curved shape. 呈现盘旋状,呈现螺旋状
- A new upsurge in construction is in the making. 一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。