- The festival is also based on an annual astronomical phenomenon. 一年一度的天文现象也成为了这一节日的基础。
- To try to understand the physical nature of an astronomical phenomenon, one must try to understand its parentage. 在试图了解一个天文现象的物理本质时,人们必然要力图弄清楚它的渊源。
- Jane is one of my most astute coleagues.She teaches a course in astronomical phenomenon. 简是我认识的最机敏的老师之一,她教授关于天文现象的课程。
- Eclipse is a very intriguing astronomic phenomenon. 日食是非常引人入胜的天文现象。
- Meteor shower is the most romantic and magnificently astronomical phenomena. 流星雨是最富浪漫色彩的天象奇观。
- Astronomers and star gazers across the world are keeping watch on Monday night for the rare astronomical phenomenon known as "Planetary Conjunction". 全世界的天文学家和观测者都在时刻关注着这种罕见的,被成为“行星合”的天文现象。
- The fluid, ever-changing results often bear startling resemblances to astronomical phenomena. 流体变幻多端的效果常常与天文现象有惊人的相似之处。
- He developed an armillary sphere, on which were carved all the astronomical phenomena known at that time. 经过多年的观察,他研制了一架“浑天仪”。凡是知道的重要天文现象,都刻在“浑天仪”上了。
- In the Palace Museum, there is an armillary sphere used for observing astronomical phenomena. 故宫里有测量天象的璇玑。
- Ask 2008 meteoric shower solar eclipse eclipse of the moon to wait for astronomical phenomena! ! 您的位置:凡人谷知道>教育/科学>科学技术>天文学>求2008流星雨日食月食等天象!!
- An optical device for projecting images of celestial bodies and other astronomical phenomena onto the inner surface of a hemispherical dome. 天象仪一种能将天体和其它天文学现象的影象投射到半球状圆屋顶内表面的光学设备
- Observatories are set up to observe the astronomical phenomena and the calendar is issued to teach people to know the time. 复令天下郡邑立钟、鼓楼,置铜壶,以窥天地四时气候之运转,敬天勤民。”
- As a special species of Fu ,the astronomical phenomena Fu is popular from the pre- Qin days,and many writers constantly indite such work. 作为赋体文学中的一个种类,天象赋自先秦起就不断有人创作。
- Even the numbers of the carved railing, the balustrades and the steps are also in multiples of nine, to coincide with the astronomical phenomena. 各层栏板、望柱数目和台阶数都为九或九的倍数,以象天数。
- He was appointed official with historiographic duties, and was also in charge of drawing up the calendar and observing astronomical phenomena. 朝廷听说他有学问,就让他担任了太史令,掌管历史和历法,负责观察天文。
- Thenumbers of the railing boards and balustrades are also the multiple of nine, all symbolic figures of the astronomical phenomena. 栏板、望柱也都是用九或九的倍数,象征“天数”。
- The wide spectrum of black holes in term of size and astronomical phenomena associated undoubtedly made them a unique mysterious celestial body of the Universe. 各类黑洞大小差异之大,所涉及的天文现象之多,无疑使它们成为宇宙中独一无二的神秘天体。
- Please do not be panic, because this is a normal astronomic phenomenon on the earth. 遇到日食,请不要惊慌,这只是正常的天文现象。
- The fishing and hunting nationality in the north made use of astronomical phenomena change to determine time, direction, seasons, and was in the transition period from observing phenology to astronomical phenomena. 北方渔猎民族利用天象变化定时间、定方向、定季节,正处于从观察物候向观察天象的过渡时期。
- It was about 8 o'clock in the evening Beijing time in December 1965 when this astronomic phenomenon was happen to be observed, but the exact date could not be recalled. 该天文现象发生的时间大约是1965年,12月份,某一天晚上8点左右。