- astronomical year book 天文年历
- China stock market development year book II. 中国股市发展报告2。
- Listen, we made a pact in year book committee. 我们在年鉴委员会已经备案了。
- Their mug shots in the year book are very special. 他们在毕业纪念册里的大头照都很特别。
- This year book ekes out souvenir of my life in the university. 这本年鉴帮助我追忆大学生活。
- The main purpose of the intercalary month is to correct for deviations of the calendrical year from the astronomical year. 闰月的主要目的是纠正(中国农历)历年和天文年之间的偏差。
- Year book of health in the People's Republic of China. 中国卫生年鉴。
- Hassard TH. Understanding biostatistics. St. Louis: Mosby year book; 1991. 林为森等译。生物统计原。第二版。台北:学铭图书公司、欧亚书局;2003。
- A year in the Gregorian calendar having 366 days, with the extra day, February 29, intercalated to compensate for the quarter-day difference between an ordinary year and the astronomical year. 闰年:格里高利历法中有366天的一年,多出的一天,用2月29日,即闰日来补偿普通年与天文年之间四分之一天的差别
- These recorded decisions are mainly contained in the Year Books. 这些书面记录的判决主要记载于《年鉴》中。
- Saucier, K. A. (1991). Perspectives in family and community health. St. Louis: Mosby Year Book. 阮玉梅等(1996).;公共卫生护理概论
- E.L. Hammer (1953), Salaries of Teachers, (Eds.), The year Book of Education Erans Brothers London, 107, : . 岩波(1961);现代教育学第十八卷-教师;:岩波书店.
- Cookfair, J. M. (1991). Nursing process and practice in the community. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book. 尹祚芊等(2000).;公共卫生护理学
- Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2004). Community & public health nursing (6th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby Year Book. 陈品玲(2001).;流行病学概论
- Stanhope, M., &Lancaster, J. (2004). Community &public health nursing (6th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby Year Book. 陈静敏等.;(2003)
- Han. R. J. &Sloane, P. D. Primary care: Geriatrics, St. Louis: Mosby Year Book,1992. 曾熙媛.;老年护理学
- Old father's tall fellow, a little bit fat, walk to have a little to hobble, have never read several year book. 老父亲高个子,有点胖,走路有点蹒跚,没读过几年书。
- He was too poor to buy an astronomical telescope. 他太穷了,买不起天文望远镜。
- Minnie or Moe Teddy Basket with Peter Rabbit Album or My First Year Book, Hen Mobile &Trim, baby items (twinset, booties, socks &hat) and mini bouquet. 宝宝熊,婴儿相簿或初生年书,鸡仔吊饰及挂饰(套装,鞋仔,袜仔,帽)及迷你花束
- Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year. 今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。