- We all get sick at one time or another. 我们总有生病的时候。
- He has at one time or another argued both for and against most of the changes in the city over the past30 years. 他对这个城市近30年来所发生的大部分变化时而表示认可,时而又反对。
- Almost all of them wet their guns at one time or another. 他们的枪支十之八九都已先后着了水。
- Many people at one time or another have experienced deja vu. 许多人曾经一次或多次有过似曾相识的感觉。
- Each of these approaches was very fashionable at one time or another. 任何一种这样的假设都有迷人的时候。
- Most of my friends have cheated on tests in school at one time or another. 我的大多数朋友在学校测验时都曾经作过弊。
- Well, in this job most of us have combat fatigue at one time or another. 是啊,搞这一行嘛,我们好多人有时总免不了要犯战斗疲劳症的。
- Well, in this job most of us have combat fatigue at one time or another . 是啊,搞这一行嘛,我们好多人有时总免不了要犯战斗疲劳症的。
- At one time or another we've all done something to embarrass ourselves at work. 有时侯,我们都会在工作中做一些另自己感到尴尬的事。
- He has at one time or another argued both for and against most of the changes in the city over the past 30 years. 他对这个城市近30年来所发生的大部分变化时而表示认可,时而又反对。
- Most army troops are expected to serve as part of a field army at one time or another in their careers. 大多数陆军士兵在他们的军旅生涯中都会有一段时间在野战部队执行任务,也就是说,他们要随同部队进行机动。
- All five permanent members have exercised the veto right at one time or another. 所有五个常任理事国都曾经行使过否决权。
- At one time or another, in one place or anothr, some of these indictments have been valid. 这些指责中有些在某些时候和某些地方是确有根据的。
- They were ubiquitous; at one time or another, almost all Americans got S&L financing for buying their homes. 储贷社无所不在,几乎所有的美国人都会在某个时候从储贷社借钱来买房子。
- This might sound obvious, but most programmers violate this rule at one time or another. 这听起来似乎显而易见,但大多数程序员都曾经违反过这条规则。
- At one time or another, in one place or another, some of these indictments have been valid. 这些指责中有些在某些时候和某些地方是确有根据的。
- "Awful," "dreary," and "miserable" are adjectives that many people use to describe their jobs at one time or another. "糟糕“、”沉闷“、“令人不快”这些形容词许多人时不时会用它们来形容自己的工作。
- Generally such global missions involve one's ancestry who at one time or another set up a pattern that harmed earth. 通常这些全球性的工作关系着一个人的祖先,他们曾经在某个时间建立过一个伤害地球的模板。
- "I have played in all the positions anyway at one time or another, so I am not fazed by it. “我已不只一次踢过所有位置了,所以我一点也不觉得困扰,我只是尝试竭尽全力,并看看会发生什么事。”
- Myoclonic jerks are a normal part of sleep.Most people have them at one time or another. 持续性的肌肉痉挛是睡眠中的正常现象,大多数人会不时如此。