- His name was on the gridiron at Westminster. 他的名字在英国议会备受谴责。
- They Prince was forced to take sanctuary at Westminster. 王子被迫逃入西敏斯特教堂避难。
- Visualizing myself at Westminster after Boulder was galling. 想象自己离开博尔德而去威斯敏斯特是令人屈辱的。
- I shall be happy to have you study at Westminster and meet young women from other sections of our country. 我愿你在惠斯敏斯特学习并且遇到我国其他地区的年轻女士。
- We 'll have a good look at westminster abbey that you see towering in the distance there . 我们要好好看看那矗立在远处的西敏寺。
- We'll have a god look at Westminster Abbey that you see towering in the distance there. 我们要好好看看那矗立在远处的西敏寺。
- We'll have a good look at westminster abbey that you see towering in the distance there. 我们要好好看看那矗立在远处的西敏寺。
- The funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales, at Westminster Abbey draws large crowds. 1997年的今天,威尔士公主戴安娜王妃的葬礼在威斯敏斯特修道院举行,吸引了大量的人民群众。
- He asked the king to be present at a demonstration flight at Westminster on April 1. 信中说,他已找到了飞行的秘密,请国王于4月1日在威斯敏斯特宫看他的飞行表演。
- Polls suggest that the likelier a Tory victory is at Westminster, the more Scots will favour independence. 民调显示托利党在威斯敏斯特获胜的可能性越大,苏格兰人就越有可能支持独立。
- Service of Celebration will be held on the morning of 19 November 2007 at Westminster Abbey. 钻石结婚纪念日庆祝活动将于2007年11月19日上午在威斯敏斯特修道院举行。
- Richard I of England (a.k.a. Richard "the Lionhearted") is crowned at Westminster. 1189年的今天,英格兰理查一世(即“狮心”理查)在威斯敏斯特加冕。
- Parliament sits at Westminster. 议会在国会大厦举行常会。
- He had learnt how to fly,the reason that he didn't appear at Westminster was that his flying-machine had crashed into a tree,and he had been killed. 他确已学会飞行,但没出现在威斯敏斯特宫上空的原因是他的飞行器撞到了一棵树上,他本人也丧生了。
- Relatively few of their MPs have been caught in serious expenses-fiddling, and as the third party at Westminster they could expect to benefit from a backlash against the system. 该党中在严重的费用乱报事件中落水的议员相对较少,而且作为议会中工党和保守党之外的第三个党派,他们指望从现有体制的反作用力上获益。
- Last year at Westminster, Biff was named Best Boxer and Best Working Dog, and he was a serious contender for Best in Show, the highest honor any show dog can hope for. 在威斯敏斯特的去年,比夫被评为最佳拳师狗以及最佳工作狗,并且在参赛方面他是一个最好斗的冠军争夺者,这是所有参赛狗渴望的最高的荣誉。
- Now she makes a monogrammed Christmas stocking for each animal in their house, and she watches the tape of Biff winning at Westminster approximately once a week. 现在她为它们家里的每一个动物制作了一个有字母图案的圣诞袜,并且她几乎每星期都看一次比夫在威斯敏斯特获胜的录像带。
- Both Scotland and Wales remain part of the United Kingdom and have continued representation in the Parliament at Westminster in London. 威尔斯和苏格兰都属不列颠联合王国的领土,在伦敦的西敏寺也都有国会代表。
- He had learnt how to fly-- the reason that he didn't appear at Westminster was that his flying-machine had crashed into a tree, and he had been killed. 他确已学会飞行,他没有出现在威斯敏斯特宫上空,是因为他的飞行器撞到了一棵树上,他本人也丧生了。
- Unfortunately, tourists and other passengers arriving at Westminster station, which lies opposite Big Ben, were not allowed a peek at the filming. 不幸的是,来到位于大本钟对面的威斯敏斯特地铁站的旅游者和其他乘客们都被禁止一窥拍摄的场面。