- Whether at home or abroad he struggled for national independence bravely. 无论在国内还是在国外,他都为民族独立而英勇斗争。
- As a skilled commander and military theorist, he had few equals at home or abroad. 他的军事指挥艺术和军事理论造诣,在国内外屈指可数。
- Any person with breadth of vision at home or abroad are welcome to come to have a business talk with us. 使用江的产品能使您的事业兴旺发达,欢迎国内外有识之士前来我公司洽谈业务。
- Therefore also we are determined, whether at home or abroad, to gain the honor of being well pleasing to Him. 9所以我们也怀着雄心大志,无论是在家,或是离家,都要讨主的喜悦。
- As soon as a Brit becomes a tar? at home or abroad, they become prey to the paparazzi. 哪个英国人一旦成了“明星”,不论是在国内还是国外,都会立即变成偷拍者的猎物。
- Many officials came to Jeddah under heavy political fire either at home or abroad. 许多官员都是在国内或国际的政治重压之下来到吉达的。
- The case for American pre-emption now becomes almost impossible to sell either at home or abroad. 原来由美国占先的局面如今变得模糊不清。
- But Mr Obama is also aware that lecturing the Kremlin about its behaviour at home or abroad is useless. 不过,奥巴马也清楚:在克里姆林宫谈及俄罗斯在国内外的种种举动是无济于事的。
- But they are also aware that lecturing the Kremlin about its behaviour at home or abroad is useless. 但他们同样知道,告诉克里姆林宫它应该如何在国内和国外行为是徒劳的。
- Whether at home or abroad, you can utilize our services along with all our communication channels to help you handle your personal finances. 无论您身处国内还是国外,均可通过我们创新的服务方式及周到的沟通途径处理私人财务。
- Many scholars, at home or abroad, have brought up the idiographic models such as Virtual Organization, league of strategy, combo of enterprises, etc. 国内外学者提出了诸如虚拟企业、战略联盟、企业联合体等网络组织的具体模式。
- The government body mainly responsible for handling letters and calls from the public both at home or abroad, concerning advice or suggestions on certain issues. 主要负责处理国内外公众来信来访的政府机构,公众来信来访一般涉及反映问题或提出建议和意见。
- But many analysts also caution that McCain could close the gap in the final days of the campaign, especially if something unexpected occurs either at home or abroad. 但许多分析家警告说,麦凯恩可能在最后几天的竞选活动中缩小差距,尤其在国内或者国外发生某种异常事件的情况下.
- The two States are to take within their own laws "severe measures against those who, at home or abroad, are working directly or indirectly in the service" of the Comintern. 两国将在各自法律范围内对“国内外直接或间接参与共产国际活动的人”采取“严厉的措施”。
- For a long time, studies of Taine, no matter at home or abroad, all fall into a dilemma concerning the exterior analysis limited by "Three Factors", and cannot reach the interior of art. 长久以来,无论国内国外,对丹纳的研究都不约而同地陷入三因素所局限的外部分析的苑囿而无法深入艺术内部。
- Article17 At the time when any quarantinable epidemic disease is prevalent in certain regions at home or abroad, the health administrative department under the State Council may declare the regions as pestilence areas. 第十七条在国内或者国外某一地区发生检疫传染病流行时,国务院卫生行政部门可以宣布该地区为疫区。
- Located in the fringe area, the high-tech development zone is in Beautiful surroundings and convenient to puBlic transport. People of insight at home or aBroad are welcome to join us in developing it. 地处城乡结合部的高科技开发区,交通便利,环境优美,欢迎海内外有识之士前来共同开发。
- As Bush put the nation on war footing, he also raised the terror alert to the second-highest level, warning that terrorists may strike U.S. interests at home or abroad in response to action against Iraq. 在布什宣布全国战争状态时,他还将恐怖威胁等级提升到次最高级,并警告说,作为他们对战争的反应,恐怖分子也许会打击国内外的美国利益。
- Look we can still, uh, have a pleasant evening at home or something, you know. 瞧,在家里我们还是能过一个愉快的夜晚或有些高兴的事。
- The method of water manure optimum management decision of Uniform Design combined with CERES-MAIZE simulation model was set up for the first time whether at home or abroad at the same time. 并在国内外首次建立了均匀设计和CERES-MAIZE模拟模型相结合的水肥优化管理决策方法。