- Take the left side road at the crossroad. 到十字路口走左边的岔道。
- The car stalled at the crossroad. 汽车在交叉路口处抛锚了。
- Take the left fork at the crossroads. 到十字路口取左边的岔道。
- The accident took place at the crossroads. 事故就发生在十字路口。
- The car conked out at the crossroads. 汽车在十字路口抛锚了。
- Chinese reforms on its medical health system are at the crossroad. 中国医疗卫生体制的改革正处在十字路口。
- Take the left side road at the crossroads. 到十字路口走左边的岔道。
- There are traffis lights at the crossroads. 在十字路口有红绿灯。
- I' ll stop for you at the crossroads. 我将在十字路口等你。
- Before turning right at the crossroads. 右拐就到了。
- The two friends separated at the crossroads. 两个朋友在十字路口分手了。
- At the crossroads, we turned sharp to the left. 我们在十字路口向左急转弯。
- I'll stop for you at the crossroads. 我将在十字路口等你。
- Take the left side road [fork] at the crossroads. 到十字路口走左边的岔道。
- Alex stands at the crossroads at present. 爱历克斯现在正面临抉择。
- Four men led by a sergeant lay in ambush at the crossroads. 由一名中士率领的四名士兵埋伏在十字路口。
- Harry found himself at the crossroads of his career when he had to decide between staying in business and entering politics. 哈里正处于事业面临抉择的重要关头,他必须做出决定:是留在商界还是去从政。
- Our business is at the crossroads: if this deal succeeds, our future is assured; if not, we shall be bankrupt. 我们的商号正处在紧要关头: 倘若此番交易成功,前途自无问题,否则就要破产。
- The horse swayed left at the crossroads. 在交叉路口,那匹马往左偏转。
- There is a bookstore at the crossroads. 十字路口处有一家书店。