- For it produces a resentful animal who at a later stage may well turn man-killer. 因为这种方法会使动物“怀恨在心”, 在以后某个阶段它很可能变成伤人的动物。
- Computerization will be discussed in more detail at a later stage. 计算机化将在下文详细讨论。
- At a later stage there arose new problem swhich seemed insoluble. 在后期出现了似乎无法解决的新问题。
- It added that this would be presented at a later stage. 它还说,将在以后某个阶段提出这个办法。
- The personal visit to the lender will be necessary, but at a later stage. 个人贷款将访问必要的,但在稍后的阶段。
- RUP defines the infrastructure at a later stage, known as Verify Test Approach. RUP在后面的一个阶段,验证测试方法,定义了基本结构。
- Such issues are very important but also very complex. We think that they should better be dealt with at a later stage. 这些问题非常重要,但亦相当复杂,我们认为应在日后适当时候才进一步处理。
- These are used at a later stage for investment in under-developed areas of countries. 这些将在以后用于对某些国家落后地区的投资。
- The Delegation said that it would certainly be prepared to participate in a discussion on the subject at a later stage. 该代表团说,它当然愿意在以后某个阶段参加有关这个问题的讨论。
- For it produces a resentful animal who at a later stage may well turn man - killer. 因为这种方法会使动物“怀恨在心”,在以后某个阶段它很可能变成伤人的动物。
- He also hopes to involve the public in decoding the waggle dances online at a later stage of the four-year project. 在四年计划的后期阶段他也希望与大家一起在线解码摇摆舞。
- Communicative and semantive translation bifurcate at a later stage of analytical or cognitive translation. 交际翻译和语义翻译在认知翻译的后阶段分道扬镳。
- The trouble is, most talent-development programmes start at a later stage in people's careers. 麻烦的是,就个人职业生涯而言,多数人才发展计划总是姗姗来迟。
- Some companies inscribe each diamond coming out of a mine so it can be identified at a later stage as coming from that particular mine. 有些公司为开采出来的每颗钻石都刻上标志,这样就能够在后面的工序中鉴别它们分别是来自哪一个钻石矿。
- Nutrition and exercise can lay the foundation for development of strong bones in early life, as well as delay bone loss at a later stage in life. 年轻时加强营养和锻炼对骨骼强壮很重要,能延缓以后的骨质流失。
- Engine sizing: Sizing materials added to the pulp in the beating machine or refiner rather than at a later stage during paper making. 机内施胶:在打浆机或精磨机内把胶料加入纸浆内而不是在造纸的较后过程中加胶。
- "Brawn demonstrated that it is possible to change engine even at a late stage," the Briton added. "罗斯布朗表明,它有可能改变甚至引擎在后期阶段,“英国人说.
- In the U.S., most gastric cancers are discovered at a late stage when the neoplasm has invaded and/or metastasized. 在美国,大多数胃癌发现时已是晚期,此时肿瘤已经浸润和(或)转移。
- In certain cases. For more complex scenarios, you ll need more cooperation between objects and aspects, which is better to attempt at a later stage of learning. 对于比较复杂的情况,则需要对象和方面之间的更多合作,这最好在稍后的学习阶段去尝试。
- Before and after reading out the signals, you can extract noise existing within the pixels themselves, and then cancel it out by subtracting it at a later stage. 在读取信号之前和之后,你可以提取存在于象素中的噪音信号,然后在后续的过程中通过减去这些噪音信号来达到消除它们的目的。