- You won't get into the atomic research station without a permit. 你没有许可证不能进入原子研究站。
- In December, Japan will also open its biggest hub of atomic research in Tokai, northeast of Tokyo. 位于东京东北的东海的日本最大型原子研究中心亦将于十二月启用。
- Iran insists it has the right to atomic research -- which it says is for peaceful purposes -- but the Western powers believe it is seeking the ability to make nuclear weapons. 伊朗坚持出于和平目的他有权利进行原子能研究,但是西方国家相信伊朗在寻求制造核武器的能力。
- Based on the Russian Akula-I class submarine, it is powered by a single pressurised water reactor which was developed at the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research at Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu. 该潜艇是在俄罗斯阿库拉级I型核潜艇的基础上建造而成,由单一压水反应堆提供动力,该反应堆由位于泰米尔纳德邦卡尔巴卡姆的印度甘地原子研究中心(IGCAR)开发。
- In the direction, tremendous progress took place in India in the last three decades and a Centre of Excellence in NDE was established in Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam. 所以在过去的三十年间,印度在这一领域取得了巨大的成就,并且成立了致力于无损评价研究的英迪拉甘地原子能中心,位于卡尔帕卡姆。
- The lab is well equipped for atomic research 该实验室设备良好,能进行原子能的研究。
- Defense Atomic Research Facility 国防原子研究设施
- Pakistan Atomic Research Reactor 巴基斯坦原子能研究反应堆
- Livermore Atomic Research Computer 利物摩尔原子研究计算机
- Philippine Atomic Research Center 菲律宾原子研究中心
- BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre) 巴巴原子研究中心
- Atomic Research and Development Authority 原子研究与发展局
- The atom bomb is of catholic concern. 原子弹受到普遍的关注。
- Hopes to be awarded a stipend for further research. 希望能被给予进一步研究的费用。
- That cannot get up an atom of sympathy for them. 那并不能激发起人们对他们的丝毫同情。
- The research project was only a partial success. 那个研究课题只取得部分成功。
- The ship was sunk by an atomic submarine. 这艘船是被一艘核潜艇击沉的。
- Scientists have unlocked the secret of the atom. 科学家已经揭开了原子的秘密。
- Did you make any headway in your research work? 你们的研究工作有进展吗?
- Our first atomic reactor was built in1958. 我们第一个原子反应堆建于1958年。