- Invaders entered the country in waves. 入侵者一批又一批地侵入这个国家
- The stillness for the sea stirs in waves. 静止的海水翻搅起来便成海浪.
- Make a feint to the east but attack in the west. 声东击西。
- Guilt and horror flooded her in waves. 歉疚和恐惧一阵阵涌上她的心头。
- To rise and fall in or as if in waves;undulate. 沉浮在或似在波浪中沉浮;波浪起伏
- She kicked her attacker in the groin. 她踢着了袭击者的胯部。
- You are only coming through in waves. 你只不过是要穿过波浪。
- Make a feint to the east but attack in the west . 声东击西。
- Plato Remembering is a dream that comes in waves. 回忆是层层涟漪中出现的梦。
- Long range attack in aiming stance. 较远距离外瞄准射击。
- The beating came and went in waves. 毒打一阵一阵地时作时辍。
- There was an attack in him in the newspaper. 他在报纸上受到抨击。
- Water is water whether it is still or in waves. 不管是寂静不动的水还是波涛汹涌的水,水还是水。
- Mary had her first heart attack in 1978. 1978年,玛丽第一次心脏病发作。
- Remembrance is a dream that comes in waves. 回忆是荡漾在波浪里的梦。
- GI killed in attack in southern Afghanistan. 美国大兵在阿富汗南部的袭击中丧生。
- The stillness of the below sea stirs in waves. 山下静止的海水荡动时便成波涛。
- It's the bloodiest attack in two months. 这是两个月以来最血腥的一场袭击。
- The disturbances seem to occur in waves. 这种骚扰似乎是一阵一阵的.
- Light, heat, and sound travel in waves. 光、热和声以波的形式传播。