- He attained perfection in landscape painting. 他的山水画达到了炉火纯青的地步。
- It is had more mouldproof function, make facing wholesome, clean, at the same time polychromy effect more attain perfect. 它更具有防霉功能,令饰面卫生、洁净,同时色彩装饰效果更臻完美。
- It means reflecting on the mind so that it will attain “perfect freedom.” Whatever circumstances emerge, or whenever illusive thoughts arise, the mind should remain tranquil. 这个心若有定力,就会像清净的水静静的时候一样,如如不动,物影投映,无所不现。
- If, when I attain Buddhahood, my life-span should be limited, even to the extent of a hundred thousand kotis of nayutas of kalpas, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment. 设我得佛。国中声闻有能计量。乃至三千大千世界众生缘觉。于百千劫悉共计挍知其数者。不取正觉。
- Spreading further and further it attains perfection. 随着不断扩展,最终达到了完美。
- If, when I attain Buddhahood, bodhisattvas in my land should not acquire eloquence and wisdom in upholding sutras and reciting and expounding them, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment. 设我得佛。国中菩萨。若受读经法讽诵持说。而不得辩才智慧者。不取正觉。
- To attain perfection like ascending 从善如登
- We are artists at Razer, not engineers and we create products with multiple teams with a single goal of attaining perfection. 这里游戏玩家的数量非常庞大,我们很高兴能和腾讯这样的行业领导者一起见证这里的发展。
- Then she was treated by discharging the liver, nourishing the spleen and kidneys, and attained perfect effects. 其实不然,三诊再次审证求因,肝、脾、肾同治,疏肝健脾温肾,未再复发。
- Chinese feudalism legitimism law thought comes into being from Qin Han, after development of Wei Jin southern and northern dynastiets , till attaining perfection in Tang Dynasty. 中国封建正统法律思想自秦汉产生,经魏晋南北朝的发展,至唐代臻于完善。
- Results:11 cases attained perfect healing of mandible incision and occluding relation,with good tongue s... 结论:下颌骨旁正中截开舌癌切除术临床疗效满意。
- A devotee who is actually advanced in Krsna consciousness, who is constantly engaged in devotional service, should not manifest himself, even though he has attained perfection. “一个实际上深深地知觉着奎师那的奉献者,不断地从事于奉献性服务。但是就算他达到了完美阶段,也不应该自我显示。
- I'm determined to attain my purpose at any cost. 我决心不惜任何代价达到目的。
- She pulls every string to attain the end. 她想尽一切办法来达到目的。
- To sum up: First, a vivid state of mental tranquility and a sustaining energy together with a discerning intellect are indispensable requirements for attaining perfect insight. 总之,首先,要达到圆满的智慧,不可缺少的是持之以恒的正定和正观。
- He imitates people to perfection. 他模仿别人,惟妙惟肖。
- They are not likely to attain this aim. 他们未必能够达到这一目标。
- He alone has attained perfect love of God who, having reached the Absolute, keeps himself in the realm of the Relative in order to enjoy the divine lila. 他独一无二地得到神完美的爱,延伸至绝对本体。为了享受神圣的游戏,他让自己隐藏在相对的领域里。
- I used the scientific method to attain this end. 我用科学的方法来达到这一目的。
- She takes off the Prime Minister to perfection. 她模仿首相的样子维妙维肖。