- It was an ancient and honourable tradition of his office that each new Mayor should receive his insignia from his predecessor at a ceremony held in the town square. 这是他办公室的老传统:每一个任新市长都要在市广场举行的仪式上,从他的前任手中接过市长标志。
- There was a large attendance at the ceremony. 参加典礼的人数很多。
- He attended at a meeting yesterday. 他昨日参加了会议。
- He often attends at a night school. 他常去上夜校。
- An attendant at a sovereign's court. 侍臣; 廷臣国王宫廷的侍从
- attendance at a ceremony 出席一个仪式
- A call issued to party members in a lawmaking body to ensure attendance at a particular time. 组织秘书发给本党党员的通知在立法机构中传达给政党成员的一个在特定时间保证其出勤率的通知
- There was a large attendance at the party. 参加聚会的人很多。
- The aircraft was handed back to ANA at a ceremony in Singapore. 这家飞机在新加坡举行的仪式上交付给ANA。
- They're expecting a large attendance at the meeting. 他们希望有很多人出席这次会议。
- He was excused from attendance at the lecture. 他获准可以不去听讲。
- Attendance at the concert was very poor. 那次音乐会的上座率极低。
- Jean Marc PERRIGON, Executive Chef of Novotel Xinqiao Beijing, received the award at a ceremony held for this occasion. 北京新侨诺富特饭店的行政总厨让.;马克出席了颁奖典礼并接受此项殊荣。
- There was a large [small] attendance at the ceremony. 参加典礼的人数很多[少]。
- She will accept a gold medal, a diploma and a$1.4 million award at a ceremony at city hall in Oslo, Norway. 艾巴迪一直为争取民主和为妇女儿童赢得权利而努力,她将在挪威首都奥斯陆举行的颁奖典礼上获得一枚金质奖章、书和140万美元的奖金。
- It holds the world record for attendance at a cricket match crowd (90,800 people), and has Australia's richest horse-race (the Melbourne Cup). 它举办观众之多创世界记录(达九万零八百人)的板球赛,并举行澳大利亚最豪华的赛马(墨尔本杯)。
- It was an ancient and honourable tradition that each new governor should receive his insignia from his predecessor at a ceremony held in the square. 每个新任州长都要在广场举行的仪式上从他的前任手里接受勋章,这是一个古老而令人尊重的传统。
- Attendance at evening prayers is not compulsory. 参加晚祷并非硬性规定。
- Attendance at school is obligatory. 上学是强制性的。
- The winners were announced last Thursday at a ceremony at the State Department in Washington. 优胜者在上周四美国华盛顿国务院宣布仪式宣布。