- The attraction between an antigen and an antibody. 化合力抗原和抗体之间的相互吸引
- An attraction or force between particles that causes them to combine. 亲和力促使微粒之间结合的相互吸引或能力
- attraction between particles 粒间吸引力
- Scientists now believe that some of the force of friction is due to attraction between the molecules of one surface and those of the surface sliding over it. 现在科学家们认为有些摩擦力是由于物体表面的分子和另一物体表面游动的分子之间的吸引力所引起的。
- The only constraint is the mutual attraction between the molecules. 唯一的约束就是分子之间的相互吸引力。
- There always exists a force of attraction between two bodies. 两个物体之间永远存在吸引力。
- Removed of the charge or exchange of charge between particles are desirable. 希望能除去电荷或在粒子间进行电荷交换。
- The natural phenomenon of attraction between massive bodies. 万有引力巨大物体间相互吸引的自然现象
- The dedusting performance of traditional wet scrubbers,based on gravitation,can remarkably be improved by making use of electrostatic attraction forces between particles and droplets. 着重分析液滴荷电而颗粒不荷电的湿式除尘器的工作状况,阐述了布朗扩散、拦截、惯性碰撞和静电捕集等4种除尘机理。
- The law of gravity describes and quantifies the attraction between two objects. 地心引力定律描述和量化了两个物体间的吸引。
- Characterized by strong attraction between the colloid medium and the dispersion medium of a colloidal system. 亲液的胶体系统中的胶体媒质和分离媒质的强烈吸引特性的
- The concentrations of elements in the comet varies tremendously between particles. 元素在彗星颗粒间的集中有着极大的差别。
- This is of significance in both theory and practice and is explained by analyzing the action forces between particles. 文中通过颗粒的受力分析解释了这一具有重要理论与实践意义的模拟结果。
- By resolving BBO equation , some parameters describing the lags between particles and medium was derived and analyzed. 通过求解BBO方程,给出了描述水力旋流器内固体颗粒与流体介质相对运动的跟随性指标。
- Characterized by a lack of attraction between the colloid medium and the dispersion medium of a colloidal system. 疏液的胶体系统中胶体媒质和分离媒质之间缺乏吸引力特性的
- The surface of particles was charged by adsorption effect and so the electric barriers against the aggregation between particles were established. 同时,吸附作用又会使粒子表面带电,产生团聚电垒。
- All these properties indicate that in liquid water,the force of attraction between the molecules is high. 所有这些特性都表明,液态水中分子之间的吸引力较大。
- The collisions between particles mainly considered charge exchanges between isotopic ions and atoms, which were treated by using cross section. 粒子间的碰撞主要考虑同位素离子和原子间的共振电荷转移,用碰撞截面来处理。
- The components of most double stars are close enough for there to be strong gravitational attraction between them. 大多数双星的子星都很靠近,所以它们之间存在很强的万有引力。
- But, such a system still obeys Boltzmann statistics in the condition that density is not very high and interaction between particles could be ignored. 但是如果密度不很高,仍然可以忽略离子间相互作用而遵从玻耳兹曼统计规律。