- Gravity is a very weak attractive force. 地心引力是一种非常微弱的引力。
- The attractive force increases as a gas is compressed and its molecules are brought closer together. 随着气体被压缩,气体分子之间的距离缩小,引力增大。
- The earth's atmosphere is in hydrostatic equilibrium under the combined action of the gravitational attractive force of the earth and the pressure of the gases in the atmosphere. 地球大气就处于地球引力和大气中气体压力共同作用之下的流体静力平衡状态。
- We have a weight because the Earth exerts an attractive force on us. We call this "gravity". 我们有重量是因为地球在我们身上有一种吸力,称为“重力”。
- The two bodies are so far apartthat the attractive force between them is negligible. 这两个物体相距很远,它们之间的吸引力可以忽略不计。
- One possible scenario is that the initial high-density state arose when a preexisting universe collapsed under the attractive force of gravity. 一个可能的说法是,当先前存在的宇宙因受重力的吸引而塌缩时,会产生高密度的初始状态。
- The strong hydrophobic attractive force between molybdenite and bubble interface is the basic reason which causes the natural flotability of molybdenite. 辉钼矿与气泡之间的强疏水引力是辉钼矿具备天然可浮性的根本原因;
- The growth of these structures was initially driven only by the attractive force of gravity, but then later there was competition with the repulsive force of dark energy. 这些宇宙空间中的结构最初是由于万有引力的作用开始进化的,但不久之后就有暗能量的反重力作用与其对抗。
- The electromagnetic iron-separator is a device using the electromagnetic attractive force to separate the ferrom agnetic materials from the non-ferromagnetic malerials. 电磁除铁器是一种利用直流电磁线圈的电磁吸力将铁磁物质从非铁磁物质中分离出来的磁分离设备。
- Then a new attractive force function and a new repulsive force function are deduced, which the robot can adjust its velocity to escape from obstacles, and move to target quickly, or track target synchronously. 在新的势场函数作用下机器人能够快速调整自身的速度大小和方向,使其快速脱离障碍物的威胁并能快速地到达目标或追踪目标。
- This alignment caused the attractive force between the positive ends of the water molecules and the balloon to overpower the repulsive force between the negative ends of the water molecules and the balloon. 这是由于:水分子带正电荷的一端与气球之间的吸引力大于水分子带负电荷的一端与气球之间的斥力。
- The suction was always against nasal septum,cartilage or bone,and the lateral pore was not closed,so decreased attractive force and avoided blood staining of eyeglass for endoscope. 吸引剥离器的吸引孔始终朝向鼻中隔软骨或骨,不封闭其外部侧孔,减少了吸力,并避免了血染内窥镜镜面。
- Magnetic Bearing (MB) is a kind of new typical mechatronics product which utilizes the electromagnetic attractive force exerting on a magnetic conductor to suspend a rotor without any contact. 磁悬浮轴承(MB)是一种新型的机电式轴承,是利用电磁场对导磁体的作用力而实现对转子的无接触支承。
- Cooling is readily interpreted as due to the fact that work is done against the attractive forces between molecules. 冷却很容易被解释为是由于为了克服分子之间引力而做功的结果。
- If the attractive forces are stronger than the repulse forces, the dispersion will be unstable. 如果吸引力大于排斥力,分散就不稳定。而如果排斥力占优,体系就不会絮凝。
- Xincheng Square, abutting upon the Yuantong station and Zhongsheng station of the No.1 subway line, has a great attractive force by virtue of convenient transportation and perfect function. 新城广场毗邻地铁1号线中胜站和元通站,便利的交通、完备的功能使其形成一股强大的吸引力。
- In the meantime, ingoing country and area stem from the consideration of pair of self interests, offer all sorts of favourable conditions with attractive force migratory capital actively. 同时,迁入国家及地区出于对自身利益的考虑,积极提供吸引人力资本迁移的各种优惠条件。
- A star is created when huge, gigantic, gas clouds bind together due to attractive forces and form a hot core, combined from all the energy of the two gas clouds. 引力作用使巨大的气云结合在一起,两团气云所有的能量共同形成一个热核,这时恒星就诞生了。
- A star is created when huge,gigantic,gas clouds bind together due to attractive forces and form a hot core,combined from all the energy of the two gas clouds. 引力作用使巨大的气云结合在一起,两团气云所有的能量共同形成一个热核,这时恒星就诞生了。
- Since the attractive forces of the sun and moon act continuously on the ocean water, the tides are not free to move indepently as a seismic sea wave does. 鉴于太阳和月球引力不停地对海水作用,潮不能象地震水波那样独立运动。