- The dividing line is not always marked and clear. (两者间的)界限并不总是那么清楚明显的。
- Having the qualities or attributes of a wizard. 魔法的,术士的有巫师的特点或性质的
- Kindness is one of her attributes. 仁慈是她的特性之一。
- The act or process of separating or dividing. 分离,区分分离或分开的行为或过程
- Dividing into elemental parts or basic principles. 分解的分成基本部分或基本要素的
- attributes dividing 属性分组
- She attributes her success to hard work and a bit of luck. 她认为她的成功是由於勤奋加上一点儿运气而得来的。
- Bob attributes his latest success to hard work and scientific methods. 鲍勃把他最近的成功归根于勤奋的工作与科学的方法。
- I can see no justification for dividing the company into smaller units. 我认为没有理由把公司划分为小单位。
- He attributes his wisdom to his teachers. 他认为他的智慧来自于老师。
- Troops were disengaged from the dividing line. 双方军队在分界线脱离了接触。
- You have to hyphenate a word when dividing a word. 当你把一个单词分行时,你得写上一个连字符。
- A class, group, or kind with common attributes. 有相同性质的一类、一群或一类
- He attributes his good health to careful living. 他认为他的健康是注意饮食起居的结果。
- It is qualified by three attributes. 它有三个定语修饰它。
- I bestow my own attributes over liberally on him. 我把自己的特性慷慨地施与他了。
- Make sure you are not dividing by zero. 确保不会除零。
- The extended attributes are inconsistent. 扩展属性不一致。
- Having been the dividing line between. 之间的分界线。
- The extended attributes did not fit in the buffer. 扩展属性在缓冲区中不适用。