- It's my first week here so I'm not yet au fait with the system. 我刚来不到一个星期,对这里的制度还不太熟悉。
- I was new at the school and not yet au fait with its customs. 我新到这所学校,不熟悉它的规矩。
- It' s my first week here so I' m not yet au fait with the system. 我刚来不到一个星期; 对这里的制度还不太熟悉.
- I continued to try to look worldly and au fait with the situation. 我继续装成老于事故,对这种事习以为常的样子。
- It's my first week here so I'm not completely au fait with the system. 这是我来这儿的第一周,所以不完全熟悉这个系统。
- She appears to be au fait to the ways of the world though she is young. 她虽然年轻,但好像很懂得世故人情。
- Au Fait is willing to create prosperous tomorrow together with customers of both new and old. 企业愿与各新老客户,携手共创美好的明天。
- An early western view of a southern Chinese harbor shows that coastal residents were au fait with handling boats. 外国人图绘中国南部港埠,可看出沿海居民早已习于舟楫。
- SCRUM has been around for a while in object-oriented circles, although I\'ll confess I\'m not too au fait with its history or development. SCRUM在面向对象的周期中已经存在了一段时间,尽管我要承认我对他的历史和开发也不是很熟悉。
- Xavier Gabaix of New York University, our seventh pick, is another example of someone who is au fait with behavioural economics but not defined by it. 纽约大学的XavierGabaix是我们选出的第七个人,他是那种熟知行为经济学但又不为所限制的另一个例子。
- I was new at the school and not yet au fait with its customs 我新到这所学校,不熟悉它的规矩。
- Au revoir, see you again next year! 再见,明年见!
- We've got a German au pair for six months. 我们找到了一个可以干六个月的德国换工。
- " Which could be the sticking point, for Jeunet freely admits that he's not exactly au fait with the Potter-verse. “我对此不感到很兴奋,至少现在,”他笑着说,“但是我还没有读过剧本,我只看过最新的一部电影,拍得很不错。”
- kept abreast of the latest developments; constant revision keeps the book au courant; always au fait on the latest events; up on the news. 了解发展的最新情况;不断的修改使这本书保持先进;总是通晓最新发生的事件;知道最新的新闻。
- To be au fait at the work 精谙其事
- Au the invitations for the party have now gone out. 宴会的请贴现在已全部发出去了。
- There are a thousand people or au in the hall. 大厅里约有1,000多人。
- After the ceremony a marriage is a fait accompli. 婚礼后, 婚姻便是既成事实了。
- Is your husband lusting after the au pair? 你的丈夫是否正对来家打工的留学女生暗送秋波?