- Using gantry structure, Making Leaf Spring with automatic reset function, internal switches with the itinerary for protection-sealed. 采用门式结构,具有压簧自动复位功能,内部装有行程开关为密封保护式。
- Add of Automatic Reset Function to DDZ Powerpack 对DDZ型电源箱增加自动复位功能
- Automatic reset, and instantly repeatable. 自动复位;瞬间重现.
- Conceptual documentation for the use and features of automatic reset events. 有关自动重置事件的使用和功能,请参见。
- Thermal overload relays offer phase failure protection and are convertible from manual to automatic reset. 过热负载继电器具有相位故障保护和从手动转换为自动重置的功能。
- Automatic reset events are usually used to provide exclusive access to a resource for a single thread at a time. 自动重置事件通常用来一次为一个线程提供对资源的独占访问。
- NOTE; A TEMPERATURE LIMITER may be of the automatic reset or of the manual reset type. 同以上看来,限温器还是有“自动复位”或“手动复位”的。
- Ergonomically-designed interior leather seats with power sliding and automatic reset options give the interior cabin a more lustrous ambiance. 车内的真皮座椅符合人体工学原理,还具有电动滑动及自动归位功能,使乘坐者倍感舒适;
- If an automatic reset event is signaled when no threads are waiting, it remains signaled until a thread attempts to wait on it. 如果在没有线程等待时发出自动重置事件信号,则该信号将一直保留到有一个线程尝试在其上等待为止。
- Each algorithm, the program will automatically reset the memory block. 每次选择算法时,程序自动将内存块清零。
- C program to scan the full keyboard and a digital display, plus one can be achieved, by a reset functions. 键盘扫描完整c程序,并带有数码管显示,可以实现加一,减一,复位等功能。
- After cutting sheets of different lengths, the saw blades can be automatically reset. 锯切长度不同的板材后;锯片可以立刻自动回位.
- However, when a wireless client successfully authenticates and performs a key exchange, this counter is not automatically reset. 但是,当无线客户端成功地执行身份验证并且执行密钥交换之后,此计数器没有自动重置。
- Your monthly bandwidth or CPU quota will be automatically reset on the 1st of each month and your website will then be accessible again. 您的月度带宽或CPU配额在1个将自动地被重新设置每个月,并且您的网站然后再将是容易接近的。
- This machine runs the ambulacrum automatic reset to lead the function; 本机跑步带的自动复位导正功能;
- If the Multiline property is changed to false while the Alignment property is set to Left or Right, the Alignment property is automatically reset to Top. 如果将Multiline属性更改为false,而将Alignment属性设置为Left或Right,就会自动将Alignment属性重置为Top。
- The Logon Failures Before PIN Reset setting specifies the number of sequential unsuccessful logon attempts before the mailbox PIN is automatically reset. “PIN重置之前的登录失败次数”设置用于指定在邮箱PIN自动重置之前连续进行的不成功登录尝试的次数。
- Using shorthand with only some attributes is possible and correct, but it must be remembered that undeclared attributes are automatically reset to default. 你也可以用简写法设定某组特性中的部分特性值,但须留意其他没写到的部分会自动采用预设值。
- Automatic Reset in Counting Circuit 计数电路中的自动复位
- The main board servo ports are fused through a single 1 amp automatic resetting fuse. 主板伺服口岸被熔化通过一根唯一1 安培自动重新设置的保险丝。