- automatic frequency sweep 全自动扫频
- LFM is one of widely used methods of ISAR.Nonlinearity in frequency sweep has some effects on the quality of imaging. 摘要线性调频法是逆合成孔径雷达(ISAR)成像中一种常用的方法,在该方法中扫频非线性对成像质量有一定的影响。
- The corresponding frequency of the key parts of the poplar particle presswood pallet at maximal transmissibility was determined by frequency sweep test. 摘要采用扫频试验得出振动台对托盘关键部位最大传递率所对应的频率。
- Automatic frequency control (AFC) system is used to adjust the frequency of microwave power source to match the inherent frequency of acceleratory tube. 自动频率控制(AFC)系统用于调节微波功率源输出的微波频率,使之与加速管的固有谐振频率匹配。
- This article introduces the principle of the closed link automatic frequency control system in Z2000 spread spectrum transceiver and how to control it. 本文阐述了Z2000接收机内的闭环自动频率控制系统的工作原理,并说明如何控制这个系统。
- In order to make the RF source and the waveguide have the same resonant frequency,the automatic frequency control(AFC)system is used. 为了使得射频源和波导管的频率保持一致 ,采用了自动频率控制系统 (AFC)。
- The microwave oscillator frequency is locked to the resonant frequency of loaded resonator by means of automatic frequency control (AFC). 微波振荡频率用自动频率控制 (AFC)的方法自动锁在有载腔的频率上 .
- TheSPM-D10 synchronizer provides automatic frequency, phase and voltagematching using either analog or discrete output bias signals. 该扫描探针显微镜-D10的同步器提供了自动频率,相位和电压匹配使用模拟或离散输出偏置信号。
- The system based on the principle of zero-IF is realized by WE905 chip combined with AFC (Automatic Frequency Control) circuits power amplify circuit and so on to communicate. 该系统主要基于零中频技术原理,在主芯片WE905的基础上,结合自动频率控制电路、滤波电路、信号放大电路等功能电路实现无线通信。
- Algorithms,such as automatic frequency control(AFC),automatic gain control(AGC),phase-amplitude tracking(PAT),and phase ambiguity detecting (PAD),were jointly used in this scheme. 综合应用自动频率控制(AFC)、自动增益控制(AGC)、相位/幅度跟踪、相位模糊检测等算法,在没有任何训练序列的情况下,能准确地恢复调制信号载波相位。
- Frequency Sweep Meter and the Uses 扫频仪及其使用
- logarithmic frequency sweep rate 对数频率扫描速率
- broadband frequency sweep jamming 宽带扫频式干扰
- This algorithm is applied for carrrier and bit synchronization, AFC (Automatic Frequency Control) of MAX2820. The algorithm comprises of PN acquisition ,PN tracking, leftover carrier estimate and AFC algorithm. 本文中还讨论了零中频直扩系统的基带接收模块,用于载波同步和位同步,提取频偏信息,对射频芯片Max2820进行自动频率控制。 它包括了伪随机码的捕获、跟踪、残留频偏算法以及AFC算法电路。
- This paper introduces a simple, reliable AC power supply with constant voltage and frequency. The supply consists of a DC motor-AC generator set, a automatic voltage regulator (AYR), and a automatic frequency regulator (AFR). 本文介绍一种简单可靠的恒压恒频交流电源装置;它由直流电动机-交流发电机组、自动电压调节器AVR及自动频率调节器AFR组成.
- A frequency sweeper with DDS chip AD9850 and a Philips microcontroller P89C51RC2 was designed. DDS扫频仪以菲力浦单片机P89C51RC2控制DDS芯片AD9850,用PC机显示扫频结果。
- A wetness measurement system based on cavity perturbation method is designed for precise measuring,including automatic frequency tracing system and equal precision frequency measurement system. 以汽轮机内蒸汽湿度的准确测量为目的,设计了基于微波谐振腔微扰法的蒸汽湿度测量系统:自动频率跟踪系统和等精度频率测量系统。
- Automatic Frequency Control A circuit in a radio receiver which automatically brings the tuning units of the set into resonance with a wave which is partially tuned in. 自动频率控制无线电接收机中的一种电路,能够自动实现接收机中的调谐单元与部分接收到的波形谐振。
- The Realization of the Precise Frequency Sweep Signal Source 高精确度扫频信号源的实现
- Megasonic Cleaning with Frequency Sweep: Some Test Results 关于频率扫描兆声清洗技术的一些测试结果