- Not to fill without bottle, automatic stop as no drop leak. 缺瓶不灌装、缺瓶、倒瓶自动停机。
- Reliable and effiective photo-electrical inspection device realizes automatic stop when end breaks or sliver breaks. 有效的光电检测,准确地实现了断头、断条自停。
- Dehydrator for auto carpets,with elegant appearance and top grade configuration, is equipped with automatic stop device and easy to use. 汽车美容地毯脱水机外形美观,配置高档,性能稳定,带定时自动停机装置,操作简便;
- The majority of the MASTERS grips are equipped with an adjustable strap utiliting a unique automatic stop mechanism to ensure maximum security and performance. (可调节腕带:大多数的MASTERS杖的握把都安装了可调节的腕带,腕带的独一无二的自动锁定装置可以最大限度的保证登山杖使用的安全和性能。
- A rapid traverse device of hob slide and an automatic stop mechanism are provided on the machines allowing several machines to be handled by one operator. 机床还装有刀架快速移动装置和切削终止时自动停止运转机构。操作集中,维修方便。
- Stop motion: Yarn breaking,knot, press off,needle break,over current,roll bake, wrong racking,inappropriate position of presser, excessiv yarn,and reaching on production target offer automatic stop. 安全停机装置:断纱、结头、落布、断针、浮布、布倒、移床不当、沉降片位置不当、撞针角、纱线过量、片数到达皆全自动停机。
- Yarn breaking, knot, press off, needle break, over current, roll back, wrong racking, inappropriate position of presser, excessive yarn, and reaching on production target offer automatic stop. 断纱、结头、落布、断针、浮布、布倒卷、移床不当、沉降片位置不当、撞针脚、纱线过量、片数到达皆会自动停机。
- To automatically start collecting diagnostic data at 01:00 and automatically stop at 03:00:00. Use the. 使其自动在01:00开始收集诊断数据,并自动在03:00:00停止收集。
- Because significant technical error, Harbo's scientific measuring appliance on September 27 automatic stopping work. 因为重大技术错误,哈勃的科学仪表9月27日自动停止工作。
- Over-heat protection. The charger will automatically stop working if the temperatures of the charger or batteries are too high. 过热保护,不论充电器或电池温度过高,充电器都会自动侦测并停止充电。
- The automatic stopping device can be set within the range of 0-60 minutes for automatic stopping. Blades (sus304) can be extra installed inside. 设有自动定时装置,可设定0~60分钟自动停止。另有选配,内部加装叶片。
- Finally, when the other sides of the spacer bars almost move to the press pulley, which will move up and automatically stop its gluing operation. 等间隔框另一侧快要到达压轮时,压轮抬起,离开打胶头时,胶阀自动关闭,停止打胶。
- Automatic counting controller can enactment the quantity of printing discretional which it is can automatic stopping while severing material. 具有印刷质量好、能耗少、自动控制齐备、性能稳定、易于操作维护等特点。
- If you don't make a selection, Windows Media Center will automatically stop FM radio and begin recording the TV program as scheduled. 如果没有做出选择,Windows Media Center将会自动停止调频广播并按照计划开始录制电视节目。
- The tanks can be filled to any desired quantity, the float switches sense full tank condition and automatically stop the fueling. 油箱油量可按要求存贮,浮子开关测量油量并能自动停止加油。
- The thin film packing,equipped with a chopstick clamper and an automatic stopping,features embossing,three-sided sealing,cutting,automatic counting and tiding up. 一双筷子包一个袋子,通过压花,三边封口,切断,完成包装。全机设有计数、整理、夹筷自动停机、变频变速等装置。
- Note that the EC_COMPLETE event does not automatically stop the filter graph from processing, so it is good practice to stop the filter graph when this event is received. 请注意,EC_COMPLETE事件不会自动停止筛选器图形的处理,因此在接收到该事件时停止该筛选器图形是一个好做法。
- In this case, the battery might automatically stop charging to so that the battery operates at a level that ensures comfortable usage and normal battery life. 在这种情况下,电池会自动停止充电,以确保使用上的舒适,同时可以维持电池的寿命。
- A 4-speed automatic transmission is optional. 四段自动变速器是可自由选择的。
- He plans to import an automatic bobbin loader.. 他计划进囗一架自动装线机。