- APL Automatic Program Load in telecom. In data processing, it's a popular programming language. 电信中的自动程序加载。数据处理中,APL是一种流行的编程语言。
- Finally the NC codes were generated after post process and the automatic programming was completed. 最后经后置处理生成特定机床的数控代码,实现自动编程。
- The mathematic models on automatic programming of gear hobbing were estabilished. 摘要建立了圆柱齿轮滚齿自动编程数学模型,提出了数控滚齿自动编程方法。
- The purposes of part machining modeling in automatic programming is to provide the geomet ry basis for toolpath generation. 自动编程中零件加工造型的目的,是为了给刀具轨迹提供几何依据;
- The NC automatic programming system is successfully applied in manufacturing of Shanghai maglev train girders, and anticipant result is acquired. 本系统已经在上海市磁悬浮列车轨道梁生产中得到了应用,并取得了预期的效果。
- Introduced a new method of modular design about automatic program system of NC punching machine. 提出了一种新型的数控冲床自动编程系统的模块化设计方法。
- This paper presents an overview of FAX(Fortran Automated X lator), an automatic program parallelizer developed for MPP system. 该文介绍了大规模并行处理系统程序自动并行化工具FAX(FortranAutomatedXlator)的系统概况。
- With the features of pulsating vacuum, entirely PLC automatic program control, automatic temperature recording, vacuum dring, ect. 采用PLC、人机界面全自动控制、自动温度记录,真空干燥等功能。
- Abstract: combining the computer technology with the related mathematic algerithm, the automatic program of the bunt-coke plan was realized. 摘 要: 将计算机技术与有关数学算法相结合,实现推焦计划的自动编制;
- AGV is one kind of transportation tool which is suit to working in the complex environment, and it is of highly automatic programming, organizing and adapting ability. AGV是一种具有高度自规划、自组织、自适应能力,适合于在复杂环境中工作的输送工具。
- A NC automatic programming system is developed by an integrated method, which reduces the times of human-computer interaction and the probability of misoperation. 利用集成化方法开发了NC程序自动生成系统,该系统简单适用,减少了生成程序过程中的人机交互,简化了操作过程,降低了出错概率。
- The automatic programming system of PX6080 FBT CNC coil windingmachine, including its user interface, thread traces editing system and language definitionsystems, is expounded. 阐述了PX6080数控手绕机的自动编程系统,其中包括用户接口、走线轨迹编辑和编程语言系统。
- The function and relation of each module are analyzed in detail on the basis of introducing the architecture of automatic programming system of WEDM in this paper. 在介绍电火花线切割加工自动编程系统体系结构的基础上,对其各模块功能及相互之间的关系进行了详细的分析。
- The main feature on the program is her song. 那个节目的主要号召物是她的歌。
- In computer programming, a jump instruction. 计算机程序设计中的一种跳转指令。建议使用jump。
- In computer programming, to execute a call. 在计算机程序设计中指执行一次调用。
- This paper proposes an automatic programming method involving reading DIB bitmap data and transferring the original source data into manufacturing code by programming in VC++ studio. 本文介绍一种通过编程实现位图读取,并作为数据源,转换为G加工代码的自动编程方法。
- This system consists of four blocks,which include the Machining Environment Modeling Module(MEMM),the Automatic Programming Module(APM),the Identification of NC Code Module(INCCM) and Simulation of Machining Process(SMPM). 该系统主要有4大模块组成,即加工环境建模模块(MEMM)、自动编程模块(APM)、数控代码识别模块(INCCM)、加工过程仿真模块(SMPM)。
- Develop an automatic programing system of NC blanking process which integrates above functions as one integral and take study to practical examples. 开发了一个集上述功能为一体的集成化钣金数控冲切加工自动编程系统,并进行了实例研究。
- Automatical time synchronize on device startup. 设备安装时自动开始时间同步。