- automobile brake capability 汽车制动性能
- Laizhou Automobile Brake Equipment Co., Ltd. 莱州汽车制动设备有限公司。
- We need Automobile Brake shoe. Please contact us. 寻找汽车刹车蹄,请厂家与我们联系。
- This paper introduces a method of transforming C620 universal lathe into copying lathe to turn the involute contour of automobile brake cam. 介绍了一种把C620普通车床改造成仿形车床,车削汽车制动凸轮的渐开线轮廓的方法。
- This article introduces us to a test system design on automobile brake performance inspection based on PC and SCM (Single Chip Microcopy) technology. 本文介绍了我们设计的基于PC机和单片机技术的汽车制动性能检测系统设计。
- Automobile brake system is the most important initiative safety system, brake is the enforcer of brake system, whose performance affects the vehicle"s safety directly. 汽车制动系统是汽车最重要的主动安全系统,制动器则是制动系统的执行机构,其性能好坏直接影响汽车的安全。
- Linyi Tianyi Electron Co.,Ltd. is a private-owned company, which focuses on manufacturing brake pads sensor (enunciator wire) for automobile brake pads. 临沂天一电子有限公司是一家以生产、销售汽车刹车片报警传感器、汽车用接插件塑料为主的股份制企业。
- With knowledge of automobile braking systems is preferred. 具备汽车制动系统知识者优先。
- Compressed air is applied widely to automobile brakes. 压缩空气被广泛应用于汽车制动。
- Since 100% continuous regeneration is possible, the braking capability of the AC drive is greatly improved. 自从100%25连续再生可能、制动的交流传动能力已大大提高。
- With knowledge of automobile braking systems or mechanic is preferred. 具备汽车制动系统知识或机械基础知识。
- As a kind of high efficient automobile brake assist device, commonly known as "electric brake" of eddy current retarder is the third braking system which is popular in the world. 为一种高效的汽车制动辅助装置,俗称“电刹”的电涡流缓速器是国际流行的第三制动系统,可以通过驾驶员手动或脚动实现制动。
- Roller opposite forces type automobile brake tester 滚筒反力式汽车制动检验台
- outline of automobile brake material 刹车片材料现状综述
- He pushed hard on the brake pedal to avoid a collision. 他使劲踩下煞车踏板以避免撞车。
- Founded in 1995, Bright Auto Parts Industrial &Trading Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer and merchant of automobile braking parts. 十多年专业生产、销售刹车片、刹车盘的经验造就了我们极其丰富的专业知识和服务理念。
- In this paper, fiber-reinforced epoxy foam composite used as floater for indicating height of oil level in automobile braking system was investigated. 研究了纤维增强环氧发泡材料用于轿车刹车油液面指示用浮子。
- He brake his car just in time to avoid an accident. 他及时煞车,避免了一次事故。
- Riding the brake is a bad habit for a driver. 司机把脚放在刹车踏板上是一个坏习惯。