- He huddled the children into the automobile. 他急急忙忙地把孩子们推进汽车。
- He fell under the wheels of an automobile. 一辆汽车从他身上碾过。
- Soft drinks are much in demand this hot weather. 这么热的天气,软饮料需求量很大。
- The automobile reduced the demand for buggy whips. 汽车降低了人们对马车的需求。
- He's quite within his rights to demand an enquiry. 他完全有权要求进行调查。
- Such a demand borders upon folly. 提出这种要求简直是愚蠢。
- The automobile spun over the smooth expressway. 汽车在平坦的高速公路上飞驰。
- Demand is outstripping current production. 现在需求逐渐超过了生产能力。
- Our automobile industry is expanding. 我们的汽车工业在发展。
- He was badly mangled in an automobile accident. 他在一次车祸中被压得血肉模糊。
- We jacked the automobile in order to change a tire. 我们用千斤顶把汽车托起换个轮胎。
- My wife's unreasonable demand has me up a tree. 我妻子的无理要求使我很为难。
- We anticipate that demand is likely to increase. 我们预料需求可能增加。
- The matter cannot rest there I demand an apology. 事情不能就此罢了--我要求向我道歉。
- Automobile is fabricated from parts made in different factories. 汽车是从各不同工厂所制的零件装配成的。
- We've scaled up production to meet demand. 我们已经扩大了生产以满足需求。
- He understood automobile engines backwards and forwards. 他对汽车发动机了解得一清二楚。
- Vegetables are deliverable on demand in this store. 这家商店的蔬菜应要求送货上门。
- He died in an automobile accident years ago. 他数年前死於车祸。
- The workers demand a definite answer. 工人们要求一个明确的答复。