- Average number of employees in a sleeping room? 一个房间平均住多少工人?
- Average number of free bytes on the pages scanned. 扫描的页上平均可用字节数。
- The average number of questions on my math tests is 50. 我数学考试一般是有50个试题。
- Calculate the average number of marbles in container. 试计算每个容器中玻璃弹珠的平均数量。
- average number of travels 平均旅行次数
- The average number of visitors amounts to 120,000 every year. 平均每年参观人数达十二万人。
- The average number of disk reads per second is about 1,800. 磁盘每秒的平均读取数目约为1,800。
- What is the average number of overtime hours worked per worker each week? 工人每星期平均加班共多少小时?
- Note: This table is based upon average number of permanent residents. 注:本表人均生活用能源按常住人口年平均数计算。
- Table 17.2 lists the average number of taste buds found in certain animals. 表17.;2列出了在一些动物中发现的味蕾的平均数量。
- Commonly, a much larger number of tollbooths is provided than the number of travel lanes entering the toll plaza. 通常,收费亭的数量要多于进入收费广场的道路的数量。
- The average number of new learner-drivers fell from 4 501 per month in 1996 to 4 369 per month in 1997. 新学车人士的数目,由一九九六年平均每月4501人,降至一九九七年平均每月4369人。
- Watch for height and distance of travel as well as the number of saltos and twists. 除了注意观看空翻的周数和转体的度数,还要注意观看跨越的高度和距离。
- Differences in the average number of hours asleep for the two groups could not account for this. 两组志愿者平均睡眠时间的长短并不能解释这种差别。
- Life expectancy is the average number of years that a person is expected to live. 时差反映是每个国际旅行者可能遇到的问题。
- Very rarely is the number of traveling abroad increase so rapidly. 出国旅行的人数增长得如此之快是很少见的.
- Based on the average number of daily transactions, IGS users are more active and "heavier" than IBM Research users. 根据每天事务的平均数目,IGS用户比IBM Research用户更为活跃并且“更忙碌”。
- Work at a speed that will get all of the work out with a below average number of mistakes. 快速完成全部工作,且出错率在平均水平以下。
- Between 1969 and 1974, the average number of persons living in the U.S. household fell from 3. 19 to 2. 97. 一九六九年至一九七四年之间,美国家庭的平均人数已从三点一九降到二点九七。
- This counter reports the average number of bytes for a transport receive operation. 此计数器报告传输接收操作的字节平均数。