- Avoid a bubble economy (too many bubbles in the economy) 防止泡沫经济
- avoid a bubble economy 防止泡沫经济
- It is worth noting that over the past three years China has adhered to a stable and pragmatic policy in telecom development which, to the greatest extent, helped avoid the impact of a bubble economy. 值得一提的是,近3年来,中国在电信发展的决策上没有跟着别人头脑发热,保持了难能可贵的稳健与务实,最大程度避免了泡沫经济的影响。
- We know we had a bubble economy where asset prices were too high and where our economy was losing increasingly our competitiveness. 我们知道,本港过去的经济是泡沫经济:资产价格过高,经济慢慢失去竞争力。
- The development of Beijing has left a bubble economy in housing construction as more people move into the city. 随着越来越多的人涌进城市,北京的发展导致了房地产市场泡沫经济的出现。
- If land prices double, or even several times to skyrocket, could develop into a bubble economy. 如果土地价格成倍、甚至几十倍地飞涨,就会发展成泡沫经济。
- He pushed hard on the brake pedal to avoid a collision. 他使劲踩下煞车踏板以避免撞车。
- Reply a bubble economy, can‘t a while it of the direction be complete to turn round to come over and tighten same can‘t lead nasty excessiveness. 应对泡沫经济,不能一下子就把它的方向完全扭转过来,紧缩同样不能过急过度。
- Wang Chunzheng,vice-minister of the State Development Planning Commission,declared that China's effort to expand infrastructure construction would not lead to a bubble economy. 国家发展计划委员会副主任王春正说:中国加大基础设施建设力度不会导致经济泡沫。
- Wang Chunzheng, vice-minister of the State Development Planning Commission, declared that China's effort to expand infrastructure construction would not lead to a bubble economy. 国家发展计划委员会副主任王春正说:中国加大基础设施建设力度不会导致经济泡沫。
- She pulled the van to the left to avoid a dog. 她把客货车向左一闪以免轧著狗。
- A bubble will burst at the slightest touch. 气泡稍微一碰就破。
- Last year, when property prices were soaring, the government launched a long-term housing plan to avert the development of a bubble economy and to reduce the level of speculation in the property market. 特区政府去年在楼价飚升的时候,推出了房屋长远发展计划,目的是要打击泡沫成份,抑制炒风;
- The financial turmoil and the resultant instability of our financial markets have accelerated the pace of our adjustment which would in any case be necessary because of the existence of a bubble economy in Hong Kong. 金融风暴和随之在金融市场引起的动荡,加快了我们的调整步伐。由于香港存在着泡沫经济,这些调整无论如何也是必要的。
- Jim was able to hold back his anger and avoid a fight. 吉姆忍住了怒气,避免了一场殴斗。
- Last year,when property prices were soaring,the government launched a long-term housing plan to avert the development of a bubble economy and to reduce the level of speculation in the property market. 特区政府去年在楼价飚升的时候,推出了房屋长远发展计划,目的是要打击泡沫成份,抑制炒风。
- The government hushed the affair up to avoid a public outcry. 当局对此事秘而不宣,以免引起公众抗议。
- To be honest,high property prices,high inflation,negative interest rates through most of the 90's had created a bubble economy that needed to be adjusted if we were to remain competitive. 老实说,在九十年代大部分时间里,物业价格和通胀率长期处于高水平,负利率的情况也一直持续,造成泡沫经济。因此,我们若要维持竞争力,则非对经济作出调整不可。
- Our wing forward can always rely on his flying feet to avoid a tackle. 我们的边锋总是能依靠自的飞毛腿避开对方球员的阻挡。
- On the other hand,years of high property prices,high inflation and negative interest rates had created a bubble economy which needed to be corrected if we are to remain economically vibrant. 另一方面,多年来的高楼价、高通胀和负利率,产生了泡沫经济效应。这种情况必须加以调整,香港的经济才能保持活力。