- The four strategies are cultivating awareness of problem, situational, life, fuzzification and scientific progressive strategy. 主要研究了四条策略:问题意识、情境化生活化、模糊化、科学渐进性策略;
- I had been vaguely aware of a number of problems there. 我已经模模糊糊地觉察到那里存在的一系列问题。
- We were aware of the problem beforehand. 我们事先就知道有这个问题。
- The awareness of the problem is the beginning of the solution. 意识到问题的存在就是问题解决的开端。
- The drive, on an airstrip near South Africa's border with Botswana, was aimed at increasing public awareness of problems facing blind people and raising money for a national charity for the blind. 报道称,此次瓦格纳创造了盲人驾车速度世界纪录可以引起公众对于盲人所面临问题的关注,并为该国一家全国性盲人慈善机构筹款。该项纪录的前创造者是一位来自英国的盲人银行管理人员,其驾车速度为每小时233公里。
- She's had a lot of problems to contend with. 她有许多问题要解决。
- Dejected by the awareness of being alone. 寂寞的因意识到独自一人而沮丧的
- All sorts of problems assailed us suddenly. 我们突然遇到各种各样的难题。
- This kind of problem always defeats me. 这类问题总是困惑着我。
- We need to raise public awareness of the issue. 我们需要唤起公众对这个问题的注意。
- This kind of problem is likely to recur. 这类问题可能还会发生。
- Arousing your awareness of environmental issues. 提高对环境议题的意识?
- John has been aware of having done something wrong. 约翰已意识到自己做错了事情。
- We must embrace this gradual awareness of ethics. 我们必须庆幸这种对伦理问题的逐渐重视。
- We shall be able to deal with all sorts of problem. 我们应该能够应付各种困难。
- He made believe not to be aware of my presence. 他假装不知道我在那里。
- This kind of problem frequently crops up. 这类问题是经常发生的。
- Improving ecological awareness of the citizens ? 提升市民生态文明素养,倡导公众自觉选择绿色消费。
- He was buffaloed by the complexity of problem. 他被复杂的问题弄得昏头昏脑。
- Awareness of internal/ external business issues. 认识并注意内部/外部业务问题。