- His treatment had the following characters: removing heat from the lung to purge the liver of pathogenic fire;clearing away the heart-fire and in... 立法特点为:清肺以泻肝,清心利尿以撤热和益肾水滋肝木。
- To nourish yin of the kidney and the lung. 滋肾养肺。
- I was out and away the handsomest man in the class. 我是当时全班最帅的男子汉。
- The combination of coastal glehnia root and fourleaf ladybell root and pear peel can moisten the lung and nourish yin, So together they can treat injury of the lung due to damp-heat. 杏仁宣肺止咳;沙参、梨皮润肺生津;辅以淡豆豉宣肺;贝母清热化痰;栀子皮清泄肺热。全汤共奏轻宣燥热,凉润肺阴之功。
- Clears lung heat and rids of phlegm, hot cough due to yinxu with thick phlegm, breast scrofula, nodules, external application for boils. 润肺散结,止咳化痰。肺热,阴虚咳嗽痰稠,肺痈,乳腺炎,肺虚,瘰瘳,久咳,外治恶疮。
- She is far and away the better actress. 她是一位非常好的演员。
- Clearing heat and transforming phlegm; diffusing the lung and suppressing cough, due to colds and acute bronchitis. 清热化痰,宣肺止咳。用于治疗感冒后咳嗽、支气管炎咳嗽。
- She's far and away the best actress I've seen. 她是我所见到的最好的演员。
- May use in the headache, Yin deficient losing sleep, the lung hot cough, nephritis dropsy, the difficult urination, the low heat and so on sickness. 可用于头痛、阴虚失眠、肺热咳嗽、肾炎水肿、小便不利、低热等症。
- He's far and away the greatest artist. 他无疑是一位最伟大的艺术家。
- CONCLUSION The commonest syndrome is obstruction of the lung by phlegm heat and the secondary syndrome is invasion of the lung by wind-heat. 结论小儿病毒性肺炎证型分布以痰热闭肺证最多,其次为风热犯肺证。
- He's out and away the stupidest man I know. 我认识的人当中显然数他最蠢。
- He scraped away the wallpaper and found paneling underneath. 他刮掉糊墙纸,看到了里面的镶板。
- As heat and drought snatch away the melted snow, so the grave snatches away those who have sinned. 干旱炎热消没雪水,阴间也如此消没犯罪之辈。
- To nourish yin of the lung, resolve phlegm and relieve cough. 养阴润肺,化痰止咳。
- The fish was far and away the biggest ever caught on the lake. 这条鱼是在这个湖里所捕到的鱼中最大的一条。
- Can clear away the internal heat and blood heat, promote urination and reduce blood sugar. For people who want to adjust drainage and be pleasant. 清热凉血,利尿降糖想调整排泄循环,心情顺畅的人可选择。
- Phlegm,heat pathogen and blood stasis are three major elementary payhogenesis of radiation pneumonia.The methods of nourishing yin and clearing the heat in the lung,clearing the heat and tox... 阴虚、热毒及血瘀是放射性肺炎的三大基本病机,临床常采取养阴清肺、清热解毒、活血化瘀的方法辨证施治。
- Two days later,he blew away the field in the 10,000-meter cross-country run where the heat and an unusually difficult course combined to knock out 23 of 38 starters. 两天后,在炎热和异常艰难的赛道击垮了38名运动员中的23名的情况下,他又勇夺10000米越野赛冠军。
- The surgeon cut away the tumour with expert skill. 外科大夫用熟练的技术把肿瘤切去。