- We shall have to cut back on our spending. 我们将不得不削减我们的经费。
- A German Shepherd was on our heels all the way up the road. 一只德国牧羊犬一路上一直紧迫在我们的身后。
- We have got to cut back on our expenses. 我们不得不销减我们的花销了。
- In an emergence we can fall back on our savings. 紧急时刻,我们总可以依靠我们的储蓄。
- It is pleasant to look back on our childhood. 回忆童年是很有乐趣的。
- Unless you want to go back on our deal. 除非你不想做这笔交易。
- We never went back on our friends. 我们从不背弃我们的朋友。
- We really need to cut back on our spending. 我们真的需要削减我们的开支。
- In an emergency we can fall back on our savings. 在情况紧急时,我们可以依靠我们的积蓄。
- back on our heelsvi. 被对手逼退(处于守势)
- Anyhow,you may rest assured that we'll not go back on our words. 不过请您放心,我们不会失信的。
- The police were on our heels. 警察紧追着我们。
- In that case we'll have to fall back on our original plan. 在那种情况下我们将只采用我们原来的计划。
- The contract comes into effect today,we can't go back on our word now. 合同已于今日生效,我们不能反悔了。
- We are certainly the leading company in the British car industry,but there are several other companies treading on our heels all the time. 我们无疑是英国汽车工业的榜首公司,但是也有另外几家公司始终紧随我们之后。
- The television broke down so we are thrown back on our own resource. 电视机坏了,我们只好自作消遣了。
- The television is broken down so we are thrown back on our own resource. 电视机坏了,我们只好自作消遣了
- We are certainly the leading company in the British car industry, but there are several other companies treading on our heels all the time. 我们无疑是英国汽车工业的榜首公司,但是也有另外几家公司始终紧随我们之后。
- The worst jolt most of us ever get be when we fall back on our own resource . 我们大多数曾经受到最坏的冲击,是当我们要退一步依赖自己的力量之时。
- The worst jolt most of us ever get is when we fall back on our own resource. 我们大多数曾经受到最坏的冲击,是当我们要退一步依赖自己的力量之时。