- The Secretariat prepared a background brief on "Arrangements for selling first-hand residential properties". 秘书处拟备了有关"销售一手住宅单位的安排"的背景资料简介。
- The Secretariat prepared a background brief on Report on the review of rent policy for public rental housing. 立法会秘书处拟备了有关租住公屋租金政策检讨报告的背景资料简介。
- The Secretariat prepared a background brief on sales arrangements for uncompleted first-hand residential properties. 秘书处拟备了有关销售未建成一手住宅物业的安排的背景资料简介。
- The Secretariat prepared an updated background brief on "review of rent policy of public rental housing". 立法会秘书处拟备了有关"检讨租住公屋的租金政策"的最新背景资料简介。
- Development of MOS Rail to date presented in background brief prepared by the Secretariat. 立法会秘书处拟备的背景资料摘要介绍马铁目前的发展情况。
- Development to date presented in background brief on renewable energy prepared by the Secretariat. 秘书处拟备了有关可再生能源的背景资料简介,说明此方面的最新进展。
- Updated background brief on the use of the accumulated surplus of the exchange fund prepared by the Secretariat. 秘书处就外汇基金累计盈馀的运用拟备最新背景资料简介。
- The Legislative Council Secretariat had also prepared a background brief on the subject for members reference. 立法会秘书处亦已就此议题拟备背景资料简介,供委员参考。
- The Legislative Council Secretariat had prepared for members reference a background brief on the subject. 立法会秘书处已就此议题拟备背景资料文件,供委员参考。
- The Panel also noted the background brief prepared by Legislative Council Secretariat on "Implementation of small class teaching". 事务委员会亦察悉立法会秘书处就"推行小班教学"拟备的背景资料简介。
- The Panel also noted the background brief prepared by Legislative Council Secretariat on "School Building Programme and School Improvement Programme". 事务委员会并察悉由立法会秘书处拟备的背景资料简介,该资料简介题为"建校计划及学校改善计划"。
- The Panel circulated to members a background brief on "Wan Chai Development Phase II Review" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat. 事务委员会向委员送交由立法会秘书处拟备的关于"湾仔发展计划第二期检讨"的背景资料简介。
- The Secretariat prepared a background brief on "Income and asset limits for Waiting List applicants for public rental housing". 秘书处拟备了有关"租住公屋轮候册申请人的入息及资产限额"的背景资料简介。
- The LegCo Secretariat prepared a background brief which summarized the main issues considered by CA Panel relating to the proposed accountability system for principal officials. 立法会秘书处拟备了背景资料简介,综述政制事务委员会在探讨拟议主要官员问责制时所研究的主要事项。
- The Panel also noted the background brief prepared by Legislative Council Secretariat on "Financial assistance for pre-primary service providers and parents of children receiving pre-primary services". 事务委员会并察悉由立法会秘书处拟备的背景资料简介,该资料简介题为"为学前服务机构及学前儿童家长提供资助"。
- On Wednesday 5 March, media representatives will have the unique opportunity to attend an in-depth Galileo background briefing at ESTEC. 3月5日,在欧空局的欧洲航天技术中心(ESTEC),来自媒体的代表将会有机会参与一个关于“伽利略”计划的背景的深入的介绍会。
- He has a strong political background. 他有强大的政治背景。
- After a brief rally share fall back to a new low. 股票经过一次短暂回升后回落到一个新的低点。
- He gave us a brief introduction about his company. 他向我们简要地介绍了一下他的公司。
- That incessant background music gets on my nerves. 那没完没了的背景音乐令我非常烦恼!