- Draws the background for an overflow button. 绘制溢出按钮的背景。
- Shows how to draw an image as the background for a form. 演示如何将图像绘制为窗体背景。
- Shows how to have a bitmap serve as the background for your form. 演示如何使用一个位图用作窗体的背景。
- Occurs when the background for an overflow button is rendered. 在呈现溢出按钮的背景时发生。
- To the Disney cartoon lovely background for the Lianliankan out. 以可爱的迪斯尼卡通为背景的连连看出来了。
- Paints the cell background for the area in the specified bounds. 绘制指定边界中相应区域的单元格背景。
- What is the historical background for Romanticism to develop? 浪漫主义发展的历史背景是什么?
- A dictionary of cultural background for English study II. 英语学习背景知识词典2。
- Uses the selected item as the background for your computer screen. 将所选项目用作计算机屏幕的背景。
- That contains the data to draw the background for the menu item. 其中包含用于绘制菜单项背景的数据。
- The purpose, driving factors, and background for building the system. 用于生成系统的目的、推动因素和背景。
- Makes a picture or HTML document the background for your computer screen. 将一个图片或HTML文档作为您的计算机屏幕的背景。
- In practice, this effect constitutes a background for IP mineral surveying. 实际上,这种效应构成了IP矿产调查时的背景
- The background for an MDI form will always be the default (Control). MDI窗体的背景始终是默认的(Control)。
- This is assigned to provide basic background for non-aficionados of WWI. 指定阅读这部份,是为提供不了解第一次世界大战的人一个基本背景。
- Well that's very, very useful background for this research proj ect, I think. 非常好,我认为这对于这个研究项目是非常好的背景。
- Alternatively it may be solely a method of forming a suitable background for painting. 也可能是为了使油漆有个适宜底面。
- Paints the cell backgrounds for the area in the specified bounds. 为指定边界中的区域绘制单元格背景。
- To use the picture as a background for the slides that you selected, click Close. 要使用图片作为所选幻灯片的背景,请单击“关闭”。
- If you need to handle mouse or stylus events but do not want a background for your Panel, use Transparent. 如果需要处理鼠标或手写笔事件而不需要对Panel使用背景,请使用Transparent。