- Explains why background threads cannot call into the Office object model. 解释后台线程无法调用Office对象模型的原因。
- Background threads are like foreground threads, but a background thread does not prevent a process from terminating. 后台线程与前台线程类似,但后台线程无法防止进程终止。
- A facility for threads to schedule tasks for future execution in a background thread. 一种方法用来在后台线程中调度任务,用来定时执行任务。
- A foreground thread that executes constantly starves background threads of processor time. 连续运行的前台线程将使后台线程得不到处理器时间。
- However, there is no guarantee that Excel can handle the call at the time the background thread makes it. 但是,无法保证后台线程进行调用时Excel能够处理该调用。
- By running a low-priority background thread, we forced the CPU to continue executing at its maximum rate. 通过运行低优先级的后台线程,我们迫使CPU持续在其最大速率上运行。
- You might want to smooth out application performance by running a separate task on a background thread. 您可能想在一个后台线程上运行一个单独的任务,以使应用程序性能变得平稳。
- Do not rely on setting the thread type to background thread for application shutdown. 应用程序结束时,不要通过设置线程类型来设定线程。
- One solution is to wait until the form's handle has been created before starting the background thread. 一种解决方案是等到已经创建了窗体的句柄,然后启动后台线程。
- When the runtime stops a background thread because the process is shutting down, no exception is thrown in the thread. 当运行库因为进程关闭而停止某个后台线程时,不会在该线程中引发异常。
- The Office object model supports managed modeless forms; however, it is not recommended to use them on a background thread. Office对象模型支持托管的无模式窗体;但建议不要在后台线程上使用它们。
- Because calls are serialized, callers might be blocked for periods of time while the server is busy or is handling other calls on a background thread. 因为调用是序列化的,所以服务器正忙时或处理后台线程上的其他调用时调用方可能会被阻塞一段时间。
- We can test this by running a low-priority background thread while the benchmark is running, which will prevent the CPU from idling. 我们可以通过在基准测试运行的同时运行一个低优先级的后台线程测试,使CPU不处于空闲状态来测试这一点。
- However, you can also create the background thread as STA and then register a message filter for that thread to handle this case. 但是,也可以将后台线程作为STA创建,然后为该线程注册消息筛选器以处理此情况。
- But even so, the verification process must run as a background thread in any real-world application to avoid user interface lockup. 但虽然如此,验证进程在任何实际的应用程序中还是必须作为后台线程运行,以避免用户界面锁定。
- When a background thread makes a call to the Office application (Word or Excel), the call is automatically marshaled across the STA boundary. 当一个后台线程对Office应用程序(Word或Excel)发出调用时,该调用通过STA边界时自动进行封送处理。
- Calling CreateGraphics before the control's handle has been created on a background thread can cause illegal cross thread calls. 在后台线程上创建控件的句柄之前调用CreateGraphics可能会导致非法的跨线程调用。
- Registration activities such as registering listeners or starting background threads are appropriate during plug-in start-up if they can be performed quickly. 在插件启动时,如果运行速度很快,可以进行各种注册,例如注册监听器或者启动后台线程。
- If a thread must to be stopped so that process termination can proceed, make the thread a background thread so that it is automatically terminated on process exit. 如果线程必须停止才能使进程终止,请将该线程设置为背景线程,这样它就会在进程退出时自动终止。
- The following code example shows how to use a wait handle to keep a process from terminating while it waits for a background thread to finish executing. 下面的代码示例说明在进程等待后台线程执行完时,如何使用等待句柄阻止进程终止。