- backing store address 后备存储器地址
- Protecting the contents of an area of memory by writing to a backing store. 通过写入后备存储器对存储器的内容的保护。
- The backing store is commonly a fast disk . 后备存储器通常是一个高速磁盘。
- It then explains how to select a backing store. 还解释了如何选择一个存储备份。
- Classes to store address information for e-mail messages. 类来存储电子邮件的地址信息。
- A backing store is a storage medium, such as a disk or memory. 后备存储器是一个存储媒介,例如磁盘或内存。
- Winchester disc: Fixed hard disc with extensive backing store capacity. 温彻斯特磁碟:有充分后备贮存量的固定硬碟.
- In the next procedure, you will add a table to the databasein this case, a table to store address information. 在下一过程中,您将向该数据库中添加一个表本例中为一个存储地址信息的表。
- This stream has no backing store and might be useful as a temporary buffer. 该流没有后备存储,可用作临时缓冲区。
- Winchester disc Fixed hard disc with extensive backing store capacity.See Hard disc. 温彻斯特磁碟有充分后备贮存量的固定硬碟。参阅硬碟。
- Dump The copy to a backing store or other peripheral, whatever is in all or part of the computer's memory. 把电脑所贮存的全部或局部信息抄存于后备贮存器或其他外围设备内。
- However, Jena also offers persistent models, which are continually and transparently persisted to a backing store. 不过,Jena还提供了持久化模型,它们会被持续而透明地持久存储到后备存储器。
- If you need a stream with no backing store (also known as a bit bucket), use Null. 如果需要不带后备存储区(即位存储桶)的流,请使用Null。
- You need this application block if you are going to use a database as a backing store. 如果您要将数据库用作后备存储,则需要该应用程序块。
- Dump: The copy to a backing store or other peripheral,whatever is in all or part of the computer's memory. 转贮:把电脑所贮存的全部或局部信息抄存于后备贮存器或其他外围设备内。
- The name of the database instance. This attribute is required for the database backing store. 数据库实例的名称。这个属性是数据库后台存储所必须的。
- The application block can also symmetrically encrypt a cache item's data before it is persisted to a backing store. 应用块也能够同步加密一个缓存项的数据在它被持久化到后台存储之前。
- The name of the backing store to use with this cache manager. This attribute is required. 后台存储的名称和缓存管理器一起使用。这个属性是必须的。
- Clear history: Clears the stored addresses of webpages you've viewed. 清除历史记录:清除您浏览过的网页的已储存地址。
- Open an epoll file deor by requesting the kernel allocate an event backing store dimensioned for size deors. 难道内核不是根据指定参数分配空间的吗?