- We should always have a backup plan. 我们应该总是有备用的计划。
- Please tell me you have a backup plan. 请告诉我;你还有备用计划...
- If risk is high, have a backup plan to keep customer satisfied. 如果风险很高;要准备一个备用计划以使客户满意.
- The following Microsoft Web sites can help you develop a backup plan. 下列Microsoft网站可帮助您制定备份计划。
- Create a backup plan that validates the database integrity on a regular basis. 创建备份计划,用于定期验证数据库完整性。
- In charge of data backup planning and execution. 负责数据的支持计划和执行。
- You ve protected your organization against catastrophe by implementing a regular backup plan. 您已经通过实施定期备份计划使您的组织免遭灾难。
- To avoid catastrophic sequent, manpower backup plan should be initiated in the beginning phase of software project. 在软件项目的开始阶段,为避免灾难的接肿面至,人力后备计划应该被发起。
- Gaines informs the mystery caller that he has a backup plan that will be put into effect the same day. 盖恩斯告知电话那一端的神秘来电者,他已经准备了一个备用计划,而且将会在同一天进行实施。
- Tony updates Green on the three shooters that may have been hired as a backup plan to assassinate Palmer. 托尼将最新情况告知格林,作为后备计划,也许有三名刺客被雇用来暗杀帕默。
- I know you have a huge future ahead of you, Roo, but it's always good to have a backup plan. 罗恩,你有一个美好的前程摆在面前,但最好先做计划。
- If you do not already have a backup plan and your data is valuable, you should design and implement plan as soon as possible. 如果您的数据十分重要,但您还没有制订备份计划,则应尽快设计和实施备份计划。
- The knight in shining armor could still show up, but everyone should have a backup plan firmly in place in case he doesn't. 有钱的白马王子依然可能出现,但是每个女性都应该有备用计划来以防万一不出现。
- Perhaps he came, but, hey, you had better make a backup plan, because likely the impact that he does not consider to let you and other more significant its interblend confuse. 也许他来了,但是,嘿,你最好做一个候补计划,因为有可能他不想让你们的关系与其他更有意义的事情相混淆。
- Yes, we have a backup plan. 是的,我们有备用计划
- Have you got a backup plan? 你有第二手准备吗?
- You may have to make backup plans if this will throw your financials into a spanner. 你不得不作出备用计划以防你的金融状况被搅乱。
- Gemini: You make two dates for the night-- and then backup plans with your friends in case you decide to flake on your original plans. 双子座:你为今晚准备了两个约会,这样万一原定约会泡汤了还可以和朋友一起。
- Gemini: You make two dates for the night -- and then backup plans with your friends in case you decide to flake on your original plans. 双子座:你为今晚准备了两个约会,这样万一原定约会泡汤了还可以和朋友一起。
- Since then, the mission operations team at NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, has run through nearly all its backup plans to try to contact the probe. 此后,团队作战使命美国宇航局帕萨迪纳喷气推进实验室,加利福尼亚贯穿几乎所有的备份计划尝试接触探头。