- baffle maze 迷宫式挡板
- A maze of bureaucratic and legalistic complexities. 官僚主义与墨守成规混杂成一团糟
- He tried hard to baffle our plan. 他力图阻挠我们的计划。
- We got lost in Hampton Court maze. 我们在汉普顿科特迷宫里迷了路。
- He was in such a maze that he couldn't speak. 他困惑不堪,语无伦次。
- She was lost in the maze for several hours. 她在迷宫中迷了路,浪费了好几个小时。
- We were quite disorientated by the maze of streets. 街道曲曲弯弯的,把我们弄得迷失了方向。
- One of the exam question baffle me completely. 有道考题完全把我难倒了。
- We were lost in the maze for several hours. 我们在迷宫里兜了好几个小时出不来。
- He is in such a maze that he can not speak. 他困惑不堪,语无伦次。
- Police are baffle as to the identity of the killer. 警方不解凶手是谁。
- Stainless steel Baffle - resists corrosion. 不锈钢隔板-耐腐蚀。
- It was difficult to think through this maze of contradictory facts and statistics. 从这些错综复杂而又相互矛盾的事实和统计数字中很难得出一个结论来。
- I twisted through a maze of narrow corridors. 我弯弯曲曲地穿行迷宫式的狭窄走廊。
- Philosophy and abstract thinking baffle them. 哲学和抽象思维这些东西会令他们大惑不解。
- Trees made the meadow a bowery maze. 树木使草原成了绿荫处处的迷宫。
- F2's kit comes with an oil baffle . F2代的工具包带有一个石油挡板。
- She was lost in a maze of railway lines. 她在纵横交错的铁轨前面迷失了方向。
- Some English idioms often baffle English learners. 有些英语成语经常使英语学习者感到困惑。
- The scientists then set out to baffle the bees. 之后,科学家们设法迷惑蜜蜂。