- A new coat of varnish was put on the floor. 地板上新涂了一层清漆。
- The application of varnish made the desk shine. 上了清漆桌子发亮了。
- Flour, meal, or grain used in the baking of bread. 做面包的原料用于烤制面包的面粉、粗磨粉或谷物
- An overcoat, as of varnish or paint. 保护层,护膜一个涂有涂料或亮漆的保护层
- Flour,meal,or grain used in the baking of bread. 做面包的原料用于烤制面包的面粉、粗磨粉或谷物
- A new coat of varnish is put on the floor. 地板上新涂了一层清漆。
- Coat the table - top with a thin layer of varnish . 把桌面涂上薄薄一层亮漆。
- Coat the table-top with a thin layer of varnish. 把桌面涂上薄薄一层亮漆。
- Coat the table - top with a thin layer of varnish. 把桌面涂上薄薄一层亮漆。
- Paintings are covered with a couch of varnish. 绘画上覆盖着一层底漆。
- baking of varnish 烘烤油漆,漆的烘干
- How do you prefer potato, baked of fried? 你喜欢怎么样的土豆?烤的还是油煎的?
- How do you prefer potatoes, baked of fried ? 你喜欢怎么样的土豆?烤的还是油煎的?
- Baking of glue and vulcanized setting for rubbersoled shoes and leather shoes. 胶鞋、皮鞋等的胶水烘干、加硫定型;
- The painters applied two coats of paint and one of varnish inside. 画家们使用了两层颜料,里面那一层是亮漆。
- Use of varnishes on the top roller cots. 上罗拉表面上漆。
- The sap of varnish tree can be use to make lacquer so it is cut all the time. 漆树的树汁可以用来造漆,因此漆树老是有被割的遭遇。
- Finish your project with one or two coats of varnish to protect your wood. 完成您的项目与油漆一两件外套保护您的木头。
- Coffee can reduce weight anti-aging shallow baking of caffeinated coffee degree higher favorable reducing weight. 咖啡可减肥抗衰老 浅度烘焙的咖啡含咖啡因较高有利减肥。
- This substance is much like gluten that is a wheat byproduct that also helps hold together dough in the baking of bread. 细胞间质非常象小麦的副产品麸质,麸质在烘烤面包中也帮助把生面团结合起来。