- Can balance exactly and quickly, operation simpleness. Fits for test weight and amount for industry, agriculture, business, university, scientific research. 本天平称量准确,快速稳定、操作简单、功能齐全,适用于工业、农业、商业、学校、科研等单位作快速测定物体的质量和数量。
- Income and expenditures exactly balance. 收支恰好相抵。
- Arrive in summer exactly after spring. 春季以后就是夏季来临。
- Exactly as God had commanded him, so Noah did. 诺亚遵照上帝的话,一一办到了。
- She performed on the balance beam with much grace. 她在平衡木上表演得非常优美。
- Income and expenditure exactly balance . 收入与支出正好相抵。
- Their answers are exactly the same. 他们的回答完全一样。
- They don't exactly overpay their work-force. 他们给工人的报酬并非过高。
- The train arrived at exactly 8 o'clock. 火车八点钟准时到达。
- Income and expenditure exactly balance. 收入与支出正好相抵。
- Losing balance, he plumped against the doorpost. 没有站稳,他一头撞在门柱上。
- You've arrived at exactly the right moment. 你到得正是时候。
- Try to recall (to mind) exactly what happened. 把发生的事情尽可能仔细地回忆一下。
- Global strategic balance and stability. 全球战略平衡和稳定。
- How exactly did that come to pass? 那是怎么发生的?
- The skater quickly recovered his balance. 那个滑冰的人很快恢复了平衡。
- That's not exactly what I had in mind. 我心里想的并不完全是那样。
- Can you date the fossil exactly? 你能确定这化石的确切年代吗?
- The bills add up to exactly $100. 这些帐单加起来正好一百元。
- He loses his balance and fall to the grind. 他失去平衡,摔倒在地。