- Putting all of one's investment eggs in the property basket,as many Asians have been inclined to do in recent years,is unlikely to hatch a balanced investment strategy. 因此投资时,如果像亚洲人过去几年那样,把所有的蛋都放在房地产篮子里,就不可能制订出平衡的投资策略。
- Balanced Investment Strategy A portfolio allocation and management method aimed at balancing risk and return. 平衡投资策略旨在平衡风险及回报的投资组合分配及管理方法。
- balanced investment strategy 平衡投资策略
- Establish your long-range investment strategy. 发展你的长期投资策略。
- If one investment strategy fails, they try another. 如果投资策略失败,他们会尝试另一种。
- The HKMA regularly reviews its investment strategy and operations. 金管局定期检讨其投资策略及运作。
- The combination, the development of sound investment strategy. 两者结合,形成稳健投资策略。
- To hedge is to balance investment risk. 采用对冲方式就是平衡投资风险。
- Buffett's investment strategy mirrors his lifestyle and overall philosophy. 巴菲特的投资策略可映射出他的生活方式和人生哲学。
- HKMC retail bonds provide investors with an additional investment product to achieve a balanced investment portfolio and stable interest income. 按揭证券公司零售债券为投资者提供多一种投资产品选择,以利平衡投资组合及稳定利息收入。
- Part three:stock selection and investing strategy. 第三部分:股票的选择和投资策略。
- Determine investment strategies. 决定投资策略.
- Timely make, modificatory investment strategy and investment combination. 适时制定、变更投资策略和投资组合。
- First of all, insurance funds should take a prudent investment strategy. 首先,保险资金应采取稳健的投资策略。
- Regard F1 as the sponsor that the match pulls benefit motorcade Sino-Frenchly 50 years, SKF near future still will be in Shanghai how to well balanced investment establishs plant of bearing of a car. 作为F1比赛事宜中法拉利车队50年的赞襄商,SKF近日还将于中国上海安亭注资设置一家轿车轴承厂子。
- Synthetic Put An investment strategy of short selling a security and entering a long position on its call. 合成出售期权卖空一种证券以及买空该证券期权的投资策略。
- The Fund has leveraged lending and short selling combination of the investment strategy. 该基金实行卖空和杠杆借贷相结合的投资策略。
- Invest, Then Investigate An investment strategy where investors immediately purchase a stock and then do research and due diligence afterwards. 投资者即时买入股票,然后才进行研究和尽职调查的投资策略。
- The investment strategy must meet the needs of the special objectives of the Fund. 投资策略必须配合外汇基金的特殊目标。
- Funding pressure, would mislead your investment strategy, inviting trading risks, and lead to more serious mistakes. 资金压力过大,会误导你的投资策略,徒增交易风险,而导致更大的错误。