- He took off the hat and revealed his bald head. 他脱下帽子,露出秃头。
- Bald head over the blind, cute old codger. 遮篷上端露出个秃头,那是个精明而有怪癖的老头子。
- Sam rubbed his bald head thoughtfully. 萨姆摩挲着谢了顶的光头思忖着。
- Hair forming a fringe around his bald head. 头发在他的凸头上形成了刘海。
- They often make jokes about my bald head. 他们常拿我的秃顶开玩笑。
- I stroked his bald head and asked him how he was. 我用手轻轻地摸着他光秃秃的头,问他感觉如何?
- English: A bald head is soon shaven. 中文:光脑袋,剃得快。
- His bald head was as smooth and round as a billiard-ball. 他的秃头像台球一样光溜。
- Humidity would mist his glasses and slick his bald head with sweat. 湿气模糊了眼镜,汗水却令头顶更加光亮。
- He hates to be teased about his balding head. 他不喜欢人家取笑他的秃头。
- A bogoak frame over his bald head: Wilde's Requiescat. 在他那歇了顶的头上端,悬挂着用黑樫木化石做的镜框。王水德的《安魂曲》。
- That desk shinned near as much as that old bald head of hisen. 那桌子被擦得亮锃锃的,就像他那老秃头一样光亮。
- We often tease John about his bald head but he takes it in good part. 我们经常取笑约翰的秃头,但他并不见怪。
- Half the sky burns red, pressing heavily down upon the bald head of the sun. 半边天烧红了,重甸甸地压在夕阳的光头上。
- The old man drained his teacup in one gulp and rubbed his bald head. 老头子一口吞了一杯茶,摸了摸秃脑袋。
- Bernd-Schneider: No, not yet. I won't do so, maybe once a bald head. 不,还没。我不会这么做的,但如果变成秃子的话我会的。
- I remember when I went home and studied my bald head for the first time. 我身体的恢复经历了很长时间,因为我要再次学会走路和做些简单的活儿。
- They are a humanoid species with coarse, leathery skin and bald heads. 他们是一个人形种族,皮肤粗糙得像革一样,头上没有头发。
- He was a sleek,short man with bright bald head,pink face and gold-rimmed glasses. 他身材矮小,穿着时髦,头光秃,面粉红,戴着一副金边眼镜。