- The little girl tossed her ball in the air. 小女孩把球抛向空中。
- At the last moment, Tom hit the ball in and so ensure their team's victory. 在最后的关头,汤姆打进了一球,这样就确保了他们球队的胜利。
- He corraled the fly ball in left field. 他在左场接住了那个飞球。
- He rebounded the ball in backcourt. 他在后场抢到篮板球。
- The boy pitched the ball in through the window. 男孩将球从窗户扔了进去。
- The bylaws forbid play ball in the public harden. 地方法规规定任何人不得在公园打球或踢球。
- The footballer butted the ball in( to the goal). 足球运动员用头把球顶入球门。
- The wing player kicked the ball in to me. 边锋把球踢给了我。
- Phil used to lack at the ball in the morning. 菲尔习惯于早上踢球。
- A golf stroke that drives the ball in a high arc. 高击高尔夫球赛中将球击出一个高弧线的一击
- Phil used to playing ball in the morning. 菲尔习惯于早上踢球。
- You'll never get the ball in from that distance. 你绝不可能从那么远的地方把球投进去。
- She just managed to keep the ball in play. 她把球勉强保持在界内。
- Don't take the ball to the ball in the hall. 别把球带到大厅里举行的舞会上去。
- Nancy had nothing on the ball in doing business. 南希做生意没有一点本领。
- This is the last ball in the bag. 这是最后一个球。
- He holed the ball in a single shot. 他一下就把球打进了洞。
- Place the ball in its starting position. 放置球板和球,为用户按下方向盘发球做好准备。
- The guard rebounded the ball in backcourt. 后卫在后场抢得篮板球。
- Now, look, I have a ball in my hand. 看,我手里拿了一个球。