- He swiped at the ball and missed it. 他向球猛击,但未打中。
- He fumbled the ball and then dropped it. 他笨手笨脚的漏接了球。
- I'll throw the ball and you catch it. 我扔球你接。
- The batsman chopped at the ball and missed it. 棒球手猛力击球,但打空了。
- The pitcher let go a fast ball and the batter swung and missed. 投球手投出一个快球,击球手晃了一下,没有接到。
- The steady accumulation of small debts was a ball and chain to his progress. 不断累积的小债务妨碍了他的发展不断累积的小债务妨碍了他的发展。
- Computer knowledge. System install and disk partition. 计算机硬件原理,系统安装及磁盘分区概述;
- Make sure there is sufficient free memory and disk space. 请确认当前是否有足够内存或硬盘空间。
- Pure data can be lost to hardware failures and disk crashes. 纯数据可能会因硬件故障和磁盘崩溃而丢失。
- He caught the ball and flung it back. 他接住球,然后把它扔回去。
- Fruit a drupe, crowned with persistent calyx and disk. 果为核果,上面有宿存的萼片和花盘。
- If you don't get on the ball and start studying harder, you're going to flunk. 如果你不积极进取,更加努力学习,你就会考不及格的。
- The prisoner is fettered with a ball and chain attached to one ankle. 这个囚犯脚上带着一根系有铁球的脚链。
- The Negro prisoner was forced to wear a ball and chain attached to one of his ankles. 那个黑人囚犯被迫在一只脚上带上了系有铁球的脚链。
- He got the ball and did a beautiful header. 他抢到了球,漂亮地用头顶了一下。
- Could not read from the selected boot disk.Check boot path and disk hardware. 不能从所选择的引导磁盘中读,请检查引导路径和磁盘硬件。
- Bounce the ball and try and hit it over the net. 让球反弹起来,然后试把它打过网。
- He swiped at the ball and missed. 他挥棒击球但没击中。
- Owen pounced on the loose ball and scored. 欧文对准无人控制的球就是一脚,破门得分。
- She played the ball and ran forward. 她带球向前冲。